Chapter 4 - Ex

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Chapter 4 - Ex

"Storm!". I quickly jolted up my body covered in sweat, hands shaking.  "Storm!" Knock knock.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door," I yell getting up to open the door. "Oh it's you guys," I say walking back over to my bed. I left the door open so they can let themselves in.

"Good morning to you too sunshine," Sam says walking in sitting on my purple bean bag chair. 

"We come bearing Advil," Nick announces sitting next to me on my bed. "Ooh gimme. I feel like death," I reply reaching for the Advil and bottle of water in Chris' hands.

"Look like it too," Chris replies and I flare at him snatching the water and Advil from him.

"Here," JJ says, handing me a clear water bottle with some greenish, brownish mystery liquid in it. "Hangover juice. Works like a charm," he adds.

Chris sits on my desk while JJ goes and sits on the chair at my desk. "What're you guys doing here at?" I question while swallowing the Advil.

"We're here to show you around campus," Sam says.

"At.." I glance at my alarm clock, "10AM!," I exclaim.

"Yup. Drink the hangover juice and you'll feel better," Chris says. I take a swig and choke on how disgusting it tastes. "Taste like ass," I comment in between coughs.

"Good now get dressed and let's go," Chris says getting up. "Where's your roommate,"  JJ asks as I walk to my wardrobe.

"Uhh some art club or something. Not really sure," I shrug.  Pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans, a red crop top and red and black jacket. I grabbed my makeup bag and shower caddy before going towards the door. "Give me 10 minutes," I yell leaving my room.

After I'm done I walk back into the room to see the guys on their phone and having a light conversation. "Ready boys?" I ask.


We've so far been walking around for an hour and a half. We've visited the library, pool, gym, gift shop and more. We're now walking to town to get lunch at a restaurant Sam swears is the best. As we walk Nick's phone starts to ring and he quickly answers it.

"Hello. Shit. Right now? Yeah I'm with him. Okay, we're on our way. Bye." He quickly shoves the phone back in his pocket and turns to us.

"Me and JJ have to go. Something about our dorm room. We shouldn't be long. Meet you at lunch. Let's go JJ," he says haste. Nick turns around and jogs back with JJ in tow.

"It's like a 10 minute walk from here," Sam says breaking the silence. "Urgh more walking," I whine. What can I say a girl's tired. "Come on," Sam says and I lazily follow behind him and Chris.

"Storm?" A familiar voice calls. Please don't be him. Please. I turn around to see none other than "Adam?". Yeah I should've stayed quiet. I turn back around and attempt to continue walking. I force back the tears in my eyes that threaten to leave.

"Storm wait," he calls. This time me, Chris and Sam all turn around. "What do you want Adam," I say through clenched teeth. I can see Sam and Chris staring at me through my peripheral vision. Why is it that you can never escape your past no matter how far you run.

"Who this," Chris asks with annoyance dripping from his voice.  Adam wasn't alone though. An unfamiliar guy next to him.

"Her boyfriend," Adam retorts, taking a step forward.

"Ex boyfriend," I laugh, putting my hand on his chest pushing him back. "I have nothing to say to you, Adam" I turn back around to walk away but a pair of rough hands latch onto my wrist turning me back.

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