Chapter 37 - I Love You -C (Phase 3)

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Chapter 37 - I love you -C (Phase 3)

You'd expect to sleep in on a Sunday morning till 12 PM at least. Apparently Lexi and Jenny didn't get the memo. They barged into my room at 10 AM this morning. I was barely up when they dragged my ass to the shower. Once I was finished and re-entered the room they ambushed me. And that's where I'm left. In a short baby blue sundress. As much as I love dresses, if I have to wear another one soon I'll puke. If seen too many dresses in one week shopping, wearing, getting. So much sparkles, colours and everything. Maybe I should just wear an all black dress to prom or a tuxedo. Not sure Chris will like that very much neither would I. It's just not me.

"Storm we got you shoes for today," Jenny smiles, handing me a pair of my own white shoes. At least I don't have to wear heels.

"Sam will be here at noon to hand you your first clue," Lexi spills.

"What clue?" I ask.

"Lexi! You aren't supposed to say anything," Jenny scolds.

"Oh shoot. Forget I said clue. Sam will be here at noon in 20 minutes," Lexi rephrases.

"Anyways we have to go. See you later," Jenny says as they leave. I wonder where they're going.


After 20 minutes of me waiting around Sam finally entered with two smoothies in his hand. One better be for me, I haven't eaten all day. 20 minutes was not enough time to go get food.

"Brought you a smoothie," he smiles and I gladly take it from him. But there's a sticky note attached to it.

"What's this," I ask, lifting up the blue note.

"Read it," he smirks.

"Where we first met, where you first insulted me, where we first bickered," I read off the note. Am I supposed to find a place? Who? Oh, I'm slow. Chris obviously.

"Detention room," I answer the riddle out loud.

"Let's go," Sam says and I grab my phone and keys before walking out.

Once we got to the detention room there was another note and pack of sour gummy worms on the table where I sat. I picked up the pair of gummy worms first of course before reading the note.

"My first rejection, you insulted Hayley, made my friends breakout into laughter," I read.

"The cafeteria. When I made jokes about Hayley and Chris," I think out loud. When I turn around Sam is no longer there.

"Weird," I whisper to myself before heading to the cafeteria and spotting another note. And a tiny teddy bear, it's like the cutest thing ever.

"Maybe if my ego didn't get in the way I would've been nicer. Funny how things work out. Where you first helped me even though I was an ass," I read off the paper. When I turn around JJ almost scares me half to death.

"Getting harder huh, need a hint," he asks. Nope, when I first helped Chris. As soon as I realize where I walk out of the cafeteria and make my way there with JJ following behind.

The gym of course. I helped Chris win the game," I think to myself walking into the gym.

"Another note and a basketball," I sigh, picking it up.

"Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks," I read off. It just says thanks a thousand times. I open up my gummy worms and eat as I think.

"Oh shit I'm dumb," I curse myself and get up running towards my dorm. Where did JJ go, I have no clue. But there is a sticky note on my dorm. Before reading the note I throw the basketball and teddy bear in my room. I said thanks to Chris a thousand times the night of the party, how could I forget.

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