Chapter 32 - I Like Fucking Chris Walker

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Chapter 32 - I Like Fucking Chris Walker

"So what were you doing with Adam last night," Chris says entering my room uninvited. I knew someone was there.

"Seriously Walker, I don't have time for this," I say packing water into my backpack. I woke up late already and now I'm rushing.

"You have 30 minutes. 10 minutes to get there, we can talk for 20 minutes," he says leaning against the dorm frame.

"No, I'm meeting up 20 minutes early because I was too busy last night to text Adam and plan out where we are going," I answer.

"But you were with Adam last night," he starts to get angry.

"Chris, I honestly don't have time for this. If you can't trust me then where does that leave us," I say tying my shoes.

"Trust you, I do. You left yesterday and didn't even tell me where because you were with Adam and now you're going back to him again," he fumes.

"I-I have to go Chris," I walk up to him because he's blocking the door.

"Just tell me," he whispers softly.

"Just trust me," I whisper and push him out the way.

I know I can just tell him but if he's gonna get mad everytime I leave then he needs to learn to trust me. I was with Nick yesterday, barely even with Adam. In fact I spent more time with the guys then Adam. Hell, more time with my math teacher then Adam.


"Hey Adam," I smile towards him sitting on the bench.

"Alright let's do this," he says holding out a map. After we take the regular schedule and convert it into our tour so we don't clash with other groups and activities.

"Ready for our first group," Adam asks.

"Ready then I'll ever be," I smile.


"Hello everyone I'm Storm and this is Adam, we'll be your tour guides today. Any questions ask us, any comments tell us, we love feedback," I smile trying to remember the script. I didn't write the script the school did. There's a lot more but I couldn't care less.

"Alright first place is the library," Adam says and we follow him.

Basically we bring them to each place and there will be students there to introduce and explain everything at the place. Don't ask why the library speech is 20 minutes long.

"What do they need to know? Books are there, checkout is there," I grumble in my seat as they still go over everything.

"Still impatient as ever," Adam banters.

"We have to listen to this 9 times. You'd probably get impatient too," I laugh.

"Ugh don't remind me," he groans, sinking back into his chair.

"Chopsticks," I suggest and so we play.

We spent each place playing chopsticks, tic tac toe and hangman. We also told jokes and did talking games. I took out a notebook from my bag so we weren't bored. We aren't allowed to use our phones and if we get caught automatic detention.

"Storm!" Lexi squeals as we enter the cafeteria.

"Hey Lex, we're ready for your speech. Please tell me it's short," I beg.

"You're in luck. I made it 7 minutes," she giggles.

"Good. Um kids go sit wherever," I gesture to the tables in front of us. Adam and I take the back as always with every other speech and play games as we wait for it to end.

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