Chapter 6 - Lick His Chest

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Chapter 6 - Lick his chest

"Ahhhh," "ewwww," "help," "what hell,"

Sarah and I bolted awake due to the screaming outside in the hall. We both stared at each other in confusion and walked towards the door. We both slowly opened the door and shut it back quickly. I looked over at my alarm clock to see that it was 2AM.

"OH MY GOSH," Sarah squeals.

"Shhh be quiet. Stay calm," I tell her as she starts panicking. I looked around the room looking for something, anything that could help us.

"Quick hand me your towel," I ordered her. She did as she was told and I stuffed her towel at the crack of the door on the bottom.

Suddenly the PA system went off. "All girls on the fourth floor please exit safely and please report to the common room. Please prepare and pack to be gone for 3 whole days. You have 15 Minutes" it announces.

Sarah and I started rummaging through our stuff trying to pack everything we needed. I grabbed my backpack for all my school supply related stuff and a duffel bag for my clothes, makeup and shower related items.

I was finished within ten minutes. Sarah was to scared to go out alone so I waited for her to finish. While she was still packing I changed into a pair of grey comfy sweatpants, Chris' grey hoodie and threw my hair in a bun. What the hell was going on I thought to myself.

"Ready," I ask Sarah. "Ready," she confirms.

Well time to face the music. I removed the towel from door and we slowly opened it.

"Run," I shout. Why is it that the staircase and elevators are closed and we have to go to the other staircase at the other end of the hall. Of all the situations.

I started running down the hall in my Nike slides carefully trying to avoid the spiders. This is a nightmare come true. Spiders crawling and nesting everywhere. And I mean everywhere. There's at least more then a hundred.

We finally made it to the staircase and ran straight to the common room. Sarah and I sat side by side next to other girls as we waited for everyone to get down.

A group of men walked in the common room. One man stayed while the others followed our dorm monitor to the staircase.

"It seems someone likely had planted spider eggs in the upstairs vent and they multiplied overtime and found their way out," the man spoke.

"We're getting it under control but you'll likely need to stay elsewhere till then," he continues.

The dean of the school walked in and straight towards us.

"Hello ladies, Anne here has some options of places you can stay. We will be allowing you to stay in the dormitories with those who don't have a roommate or a room supposed to be for three and don't have a third roommate," she speaks, pointing to Anne.

I recognized Anne as the lady who handed me my papers on the first day. She was the office secretary. She had short red hair and green eyes. Dressed in her pajama pants and a white tshirt. Guess she wasn't the only one woken up at 2 in the morning.

"Hello ladies, it's first come first serve, can we please have a neat line here," Anne speaks, directing towards the side of her table.

As soon as the words left her mouth everyone ran in line shoving and pushing. Not to mention some bitch stepped on my hand. It's 2:23AM it's to early for this. At least it's the weekend.

I decided I didn't care who I got so I sat down and waited while the people in line chose their roommates and for their key card for the room.

"2:47" the bright numbers flashed on my phone. That was how long it took for me to be next. I got up and walked over to Anne and she smiled at me looking through her papers.

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