Chapter 7

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No way, Renjun thought as he lied in his bed, staring at the ceiling. There's no way that I found someone exactly like me.

Renjun's room was dark, the light coming from his candles as soft music played it the background. He closed his eyes, thinking about the times Haechan had first described what he had felt for Ayeon.

"It's just comforting, I don't know." Haechan had told him. "One look into her eyes and I knew she was my soulmate."

The door opened and Renjun sat up, coming face to face with Jaemin.

But she's not a Phoenix.

"You good?" Jaemin asked, leaning on the door frame.

Renjun nodded his head. "Need something?"

"Not really, just checking up." Jaemin told him. "You know everyone's worried about you, right?"

"I know." Renjun said, taking a deep breath.

That's when Renjun realized that he wasn't as angry or mad as he was before. During the break, the sight of any of his friends would make his body heat up, tempted to throw a punch. Now, as he stared at Jaemin, he didn't feel any of that. He was calm and relaxed, like he was before he had the room all to himself.

And Renjun had a feeling that Jieun had a big role to play in this.

Is this how it feels?

"Well, let us know if you need anything." Jaemin said stepping back.

Renjun bit his lip, tempted to stop him but the fact that Jieun wasn't a Phoenix was enough for him to know better.

Jaemin may be dating Zhilan but he's still a stickler for the rules.

That's why Renjun decided to let Jaemin go, the male closing the door behind him.

Once Jaemin was gone, Renjun reached for his phone, sending a quick text.

Gege, when are you free?


I can't, Jieun thought as she laid in bed, staring at her ceiling. I can't do that.

Jieun didn't like the Phoenixes, she didn't like them one bit. She wanted to get rid of them at all costs but the thought of doing what Seolhee did made her sick to her stomach.

Taking down the Phoenixes was one story, going undercover was another. But luring one in to believe that they were in love, that was a whole other level.

A level that Seolhee went to.

Jieun rolled out of bed, moving to the shelf where the picture of her and Seolhee were. She picked it up, holding it in her hands as she made her way back to her bed again.

Seolhee had done the same thing a few years back, somehow starting something between her and Jeno. Jieun had tried to ask but Seolhee never seemed to really want to talk about it, always changing the subject. Jieun couldn't help but wish Seolhee was there right now, so she could get real insight on what doing something like this would be like.


"Here." Seolhee said with a bright smile as she passed Jieun the ice cream cone she unwrapped before taking the other one from the bag. "Eat it. It's good, I promise."

"It better be." Jieun muttered, taking the ice cream from Seolhee's hands. Seolhee giggled before opening the other one, relaxing on the bench.

The two girls were sitting at a park, both still in their school uniforms as they watched the younger children play. The sun was setting which meant that they didn't have much time, but half an hour together was better than nothing for the two girls.

Sideline | RENJUNTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang