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"This is why we tell people to avoid the dark streets at night." Donghyuck mumbled as Ayeon finished up spray painting the phoenix.

Jeno and Mark had already left, leaving Ayeon alone with her boyfriend. It was just a single man, nothing big, but it felt weird being in the streets alone with Donghyuck.

"You're one to talk." Ayeon smirked as she stood up, turning to her boyfriend. "If a certain girl actually listened to that, you would still be single."

"I don't know, I think I'm pretty attractive." Donghyuck replied as Ayeon took his arm, the two of them making their way to their motorcycles. "I would probably have a girlfriend, but I wouldn't love her as much as I love you."

"Oh really now?" Ayeon said, stopping. Donghyuck stopped as well, turning to face her.

Ayeon had let go of his arm so Donghyuck placed both his hands into his pockets, staring back at the girl. She had no idea what game he was playing, not used to him not being his usual goofy self.

"You know, I love you more than words can ever describe, right?" Donghyuck told her. "I would risk my life over and over again, just for you."

"I know." Ayeon said as she stepped towards him, bringing a hand up to hold his face. "You said that you'll protect me until the day I die, and I know that."

"Good." Donghyuck said, placing a soft kiss to her lips. "Because no one else can deal with how upfront you are so you're stuck with me."

Ayeon smacked Donghyuck's arm as he giggled, satisfied with his own joke. The two of them continued walking, holding hands as the took in the night air.

"Honestly, I doubt that you would have another girlfriend." Ayeon joked as they approached the bikes. "No one else can deal with how annoying you are so you're stuck with me."

"But you love how annoying I am." Donghyuck said as he got on his bike while Ayeon got on hers.

"Doesn't change the fact that you're annoying." Ayeon replied, sticking her tongue out at her boyfriend before speeding down the street.

Seconds later, she heard another bike and knew that Donghyuck was hot on her trail, fuelled by her teasing.


"Eomma, we're fine. Just go to bed." Soojung heard Jeno say, trying to convince his mother to sleep.

"I'm just worried about my son." Jeno's mother replied, wanting to stay up until Taeyong got home.

"We'll be here all night. If anything happens to him, we'll let you know but you won't have the energy to see him if you stay up." Jeno replied.

Soojung couldn't help but giggle as Bongsik purred in her lap, Jeno finally convincing his mother to go to bed. A few moments later, Jeno came out, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he ruffled his hair before sitting down beside Soojung.

"Bongsik's ruining my sweater." Jeno pouted, referring to the black hoodie Soojung was wearing. "You're going to be sneezing later tonight."

"That's unfortunate for us then." Soojung replied, smiling as Jeno placed an arm around her. "How are you feeling?"

"Asking about Seolhee's death again?" Jeno said, staring at his girlfriend. Soojung shrugged.

"Just worried about you." Soojung said as she finally placed the cat on the ground so she could cuddle with Jeno better. "She was your first love."

"A love that is nothing but ashes now." Jeno reminded her. "You saw her, she's nothing like she was when I knew her. Not to mention that even if she was, I found someone that's better for me."

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