Chapter 27

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Jieun was laughing uncontrollably and Renjun had no idea whether it was a good or bad thing.

Well, maybe on the better side, Renjun thought as he chuckled as well.

Renjun had just finished explaining how the Phoenixes operated and the different roles each of them played. Jieun listened carefully, asking a few questions here and there.

"Are you serious?" Jieun asked once she had settled down, a big grin on her face. "Does Chenle's tattoo really look like a chicken?"

"I would say you can see for yourself but I don't exactly like the idea of you seeing him shirtless." Renjun said, gently squeezing the girl's sides and making her squeal. "But yes, it does."

"The poor boy." Jieun said, placing a kiss on Renjun's cheek. "Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?"

"Okay, he's extremely annoying but I'm also not that mean." Renjun told the girl.

"Oh, you're not mean, just short tempered." Jieun giggled as she earned a look from Renjun.

Renjun was about to tell his girlfriend about his various acts of kindness but in the end, the thoughts all faded from his head as he saw how happy she was.

And it made him feel happy as well.

"So your sister must have been dating Winwin for a while." Jieun pointed out as she rested her head on Renjun's shoulder, playing with his fingers.

"They've been dating for as long as I've known Winwin. I'm waiting for them to get married." Renjun admitted.

Jieun chuckled, turning towards Renjun. "Eager to be an uncle, aren't you?"

"I don't know about that one, Winwin still acts like a kid sometimes." Renjun told her, chuckling as well. "But it's nice, seeing how successful their relationship has been. Plus, Winwin is already a brother to me, might as well make it official."

"They're really cute together." Jieun told him. "Not just Jiayi and Winwin but all your friends. It all just somehow works between them, something special with each couple."

Renjun couldn't agree more. "Yeah, I don't know how that happened. Guess we're all lucky to find our soulmates."

"We?" Jieun asked, noticing the words Renjun was using. He nodded his head.

"I hope you feel it too, because when I'm with you, it feels like the stars have aligned perfectly." Renjun told her as he held both her hands. "Becoming a Phoenix is a big decision and I won't rush you but I just want you to know that both you and the gang mean a lot to me."

"I know." Jieun said, gently giving Renjun a kiss. "I can tell how special they are and how they've given you so much, more than I would have ever imagined."

"They have." Renjun whispered, leaning his forehead against Jieun's as he cupped her face in his hand.

"Renjun, I'm not going to make you choose between me or the Phoenixes." Jieun told him.

She's not?

Renjun didn't know if this was good news or not so he patiently waited for Jieun to explain.

"I've made my decision, one that I have to make if I want to be with you." Jieun told him, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Wait, you're really going to join the Phoenixes?" Renjun exclaimed in disbelief. Jieun let out a small laugh but nodded her head, giving him a kiss.

"Yes, I'll do it. I'll join the most dangerous gang in Neo City, and it honestly wasn't that hard of a choice to make. Renjun, I don't think I'll find anyone else that makes me feel the way I do with you, so I don't want to lose you over something dumb."

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