Chapter 8

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There was something pulling him towards this place as Renjun parked his bike, sliding his helmet off. He watched from the outside, staring at the girl helping the customers inside the diner.

His mind was telling him that he should be focusing on his work, going home or heading to the art studio to get started on that stupid assignment he was given that day. His heart was telling him the complete opposite though, and Renjun decided to follow it as he got off his bike, making his way inside.

Renjun gave Doyoung a small wave before taking his usual seat. The diner was decently full but he knew that because of Renjun's presence, it would soon be empty.

He quietly set up as Jieun and Doyoung rushed to take care of the customers that were eager to leave, feeling a little guilty. On the other hand though, there was no where else that he wanted to be, so he let it slide, taking his pencil out as he stared at the blank page in front of him.

"Want anything?"

Renjun looked up, suprised to have heard Jieun's voice. He shook his head. "No, I'm good, just chilling. You don't have to worry about me, you can help everyone else first."

Jieun nodded her head and Renjun's eyes followed the girl as she went to go help her cousin, admiring her movements. Renjun found that even the way she walked caputured him, her hair swinging in the air and a slight bounce to her step.

You can't.

Renjun bit his lip, knowing that what he was feeling was a sin to his kind of people but couldn't help it. He couldn't change the way he felt.

It's a small and harmless rule, anyways. Renjun told himself, but he knew it was far from true. He couldn't be stupid, it was there for a reason.

Would Jieun want to be a Phoenix? Renjun thought as he carefully began to draw the image he had in mind. That's the only way out of it, isn't it?

But then again, Renjun wasn't even sure if the girl felt the same way. How could he possibly ask someone to give up their life and join a gang? It was a ridiculous idea, something Renjun wouldn't even do if he had the choice.

Renjun didn't have the choice though, his older sister dragging him along with her when she fell in love. At first, Renjun couldn't believe that Jiayi was going to ruin their lives with this gang buisness but as he learned more about the Phoenixes and the family bond they had, he had learned to accept it.

Renjun couldn't really be mad either. The Phoenixes had brought great friends that cared about him in ways that couldn't be found anywhere else. They also helped Renjun when it came to protection, the male often being made fun of for his small size growing up.

As Renjun eyed the girl from the corner of his eye, his thoughts began to consume him and he couldn't get the idea out of his head.

If she felt the same way, would she be willing to risk it all for me?


"I think he likes you." Doyoung said as the two cousin cleaned the dirty dishes.

"I think you're assuming things." Jieun replied, drying the plate before putting it away.

As happy as Jieun should have been, she didn't want to hear that. It's only going to make my life harder.

"I'm serious." Doyoung said, turing the tap off as Jieun took the last glass from his hands. "Renjun is someone who cares a lot about his studies."

"As he should, he's a student." Jieun said, ignoring the actual meaning behind Doyoung's words. She didn't even need to look to know that Doyoung was rolling his eyes.

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