Chapter 16

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Jieun liked Ayeon. She was someone friendly and had good energy, reminding her of Seolhee.

"Hey, did you get that last point?" Ayeon asked as their art history began to head out, the class just finished. Jieun had to admit, she pitied the two as that was probably the most boring thing she had ever experienced in her life.

"Yeah, here." Renjun said, passing his notebook over.

Wow, even his handwriting is pretty.

Jieun heard Renjun giggled and turned to see that he was looking at her. "Art students are art students."

Looks like he's a mind reader too.

Jieun shook her head in disbelief as Ayeon passed Renjun's notebook back and the three of them got up.

"So what class do you have now?" Jieun asked as they walked out of the lecture hall, the students seeming to make a path for them.

Is this what being a Pheonix is like?

"I'm so sorry, but our lives aren't that interesting." Ayeon said, smiling as she glanced at the male. Jieun turned to Renjun, who shrugged.

"That's the only class we have today. The rest of the day will be spent working on our art assignment in the art studio." Renjun told her.

"Is that why you told me to come with you today?" Jieun asked, giving Renjun a look.

Renjun could only smile though. "Perhaps."

"Honestly Jieun, you agreeing is a good thing." Ayeon told her. "If you didn't come, Renjun would definitely go back to Doyoung's diner and fail his assignment. At least he can finally start it now."

"Actually, we were here last night." Renjun told Ayeon, making Jieun remember what had happened the last time they were in the art studio.

We kissed.

That's when Jieun also remembered the words she had exchanged with Shotaro and suddenly, she felt uncomfortable being with the two Phoenixes.

"Renjun, where's the washroom?" Jieun asked, knowing that Renjun had probably sensed her uneasiness.

"Just down the hall. Everything alright?" Renjun asked, concern filling his face.

Jieun faked a smile, nodding her head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lady's thing. I remember where the art studio is, so I'll meet you there."

Before Renjun could say another word, Jieun left his side, snaking through the students. She caught sight of the washroom sign, and immediately entered the washroom, thankful that it was empty.

"Why?" Jieun asked herself as she made her way to the sink, gripping both sides. She stared at her own reflection and saw that tears were beginning to well in her eyes. "Why him?"

This is so wrong, Jieun couldn't help but think as she looked down into the sink, letting her tears fall. Having feelings like this was supposed to be a happy feeling, yet all Jieun felt was pain.

Jieun closed her eyes, certain that her mascara was running. All she could think of was Renjun's soft lips on hers and how much she longed for them to be together again, yet she knew that she couldn't.

We can't be together, there's no way.

"Why did I have to fall for a Phoenix, out of all people in this world?" Jieun cried out, feeling completely heartbroken.

"It's hard, isn't it?"

At the sound of Ayeon's voice, Jieun whipped her head around to see Ayeon standing there, holding a disposable feminine hygiene product in her hand.

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