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My eyes flickered open scanning an empty white room. Sitting up I noticed I was on a bed surrounded by medical equipment, I tried to lift my arms up but they wouldn't budge. Where am I. Where is everyone. The last thing I remember was playing lacrosse however, something just didn't seem right.

I lay back down scanning the ceiling until I heard faint chattering, sitting up again I noticed my arms were no longer still, so I decided to get up and start to walk around.

The noises were coming from a door down the hall, yet the closer I got the further the door went. Trying to process what exactly was happening I hardly noticed Reggie, Alex and Luke standing on the other side of the hall staring at me sadly. I walked cautiously back to my bed the looks they were giving scaring me, but my bed was suddenly occupied by someone, a girl, studying her features I noticed she looked somewhat familiar, she had h/c hair and e/c eyes that looked lifeless.

When realised whose body it was, I stepped back gasping trying to scream for a doctor or someone to help, but nothing came out. It was me. The noises outside started getting louder, closer and louder...


Silence with a soft continuous beep sounding like the one thing I never want to hear. A heart monitor...


I gasped as I abruptly sat up in a bed, breathing heavily, sweat trickling down my forehead. What the hell just happened.

"Y/n? Omg y/n are you ok?" I hear Julie ask grabbing onto my arm helping me up and into a more stable position. I coved my eyes due to the brightness of the room before running a hand through my hair.

"W-what happened" I asked with a shaky breath. Looking around the room finding myself in the nurses office.

"Well you hit your head pretty hard. And you blacked out for almost an hour" Flynn filled me in sitting up from her seat. "And your mum is at the principals office filling a form in."

I nodded in response before getting a better look at the room. Luke was sitting in the corner looking at me, probably wondering about this whole cousin thing, Alex wasn't around, I'm assuming he's somewhere else, while Reggie stood by Julie staring down at me fully aware I could see him. I'm never going to forget the sorrowful look on his face.

Reality set in as I felt a pain by my left eye and throbbing in the back of my head, reaching up to touch my face I winced as I touched the skin.

"You'll want to put this on that black eye to keep it from hurting and bruising as much" the nurse instructed handing me an ice pack as I obliged. Wait, what does she mean black eye?!

My mind raced back trying to remember what happened but I just came out blank. The lunch bell rang causing everyone to jump, even the ghosts.

"Time for lunch" Julie suggested turning back to me. Asking if I could come but I'll have to check on my mum first.

"Go without me. My mum's probably worried sick" I said a small smile on my face. Flynn nodded before getting up and following Julie to the door.

"Come find us once your done" she replied before both walking out of view. Luke had disappeared but Reggie was still here. The nurse came back telling me I could go, which I eagerly got up and walked out the door, ice pack still in hand.

"What happened?" Reggie asked for the first time. It was obvious he wanted to ask me back in the nurses room.

"I can't really remember it's just a blur. But I got tackled to the ground. I think" I replied rubbing the back of my neck before wincing when I touched the throbbing on my head. The rest of the walk to the principals office was silent, but a comfortable silence, just being able to talk to each other was enough for me.

I turned the corner to see my mother sitting in the waiting room, tears evident, she'd been crying.

"Mum I'm fine" I encouraged as I walked into the room, she snapped her head up towards me seeing the black eye and the ice pack with tears brining her eyes again. She made her way towards me before engulfing me into a warm yet tight hug.

"Oh my baby. Who did this to you" she asked pointing at me before hugging me again.

"Mum it was just a game. They didn't mean to." I replied hugging back seeing Reggie sitting down in one of the seats smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back. "Anyway Flynn and Julie are waiting for me in the lunch hall" I retreated from the hug brining the ice pack up to the back of my head. My mum nodded before saying goodbye and returning to the forms she was filling out.


The lunch hall was packed full with people but I eventually found Flynn and Julie near the edge. Reggie had gone back home after walking me to the hall and saying goodbye. I reached the table they were on gaining a few looks from people around. I hadn't actually seen my face so I have no idea how bad it is.

"Is it that bad?" I asked Flynn sitting down on her left with a displeasing looking sandwich.

"Hmm could be worse but y-" she replied before getting cut off by someone tapping my shoulder.

"Hey y/n right?" They asked looking at me sadly. I recognized them as the one who tackled me to the ground. I nodded not wanting to talk due to food being in my mouth. "I'm really sorry for tackling you it was well, the game? But still I should've been more gentile like coach said" he apologized when I finally remembered his name, Isaac. Swallowing my food I was able to reply.

"Isaac it's ok" I said looking up at him, he was considerably taller than me even though I was sitting down, I could tell, "you've probably been scolded by coach enough. But it's fine. I'm fine, really" I could tell he cheered up a bit by my words but shocked by my knowledge of his name. Truth was that I was fine, it didn't bother me that I had a black eye, Isaac was just playing the game.

"Oh thank you, normally girls would hate me y'know and hit me" this seemed like it happened a lot. I smiled up at him, feeling a little sympathy.

"No problem" I replied before he left to go sit back with his mates, a smile plastered to his face. I turned back towards Julie and Flynn both looking at me with raised eyebrows. "What?" I asked even though I already knew why they were giving me that look.

"You never used to talk to people" Flynn noted. "Let alone boys" I could tell where this was going. "Damn girl you good" she laughed out causing the rest of us to follow until we were all crying of laughter. She's right though, I never used to talk to people, I guess Julie and Flynn have helped me to be more confident.

Ok this was it... I'm going to tell them, better now rather than later.


I said gaining both of their attention. I looked down before saying...

"I can see them too"

~~Heyyy!! I wrote another chapter! I'm going to try to update every Friday so the chapters will hopefully be more continuous...

How do you think Julie and Flynn will react now that they know y/n's secret??~~

Q. What's your favourite JATP song?

A. Mines Edge of Great or Perfect Harmony

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now