The beginning of the end

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They both stared at me, wondering what I was going on about until both their faces showed shocked expressions.

"H-how?" Julie asked taken back since she thought she was the only one that could see them.

"I don't exactly know" I replied in a small voice. The mood on the table had changed drastically, going from joyous to bleak. My palms started to get hotter as I felt unimaginable guilt build up inside me. I should've told them ages ago. If I had I wouldn't be sitting here in this situation. No one spoke for at least a minute, Flynn hadn't said a single word, unlike Julie, and I was begining to worry; she must be angry, disappointed, left out. But my worries all went away when Flynn finally decided to speak.

"It might have something to do with you being Luke's cousin" she stated though I could tell she was slightly angry seeing as this was exactly like what happened with her and Julie all those weeks ago in the school hall.

"But why are you only telling us now" the dark haired girl asked out of curiosity, and to be honest I didn't really know how to answer.

"I-i don't know" I replied once again, shifting in my seat. It was as if time had slowed down not wanting to end the conversation. I came to a conclusion that I should probably tell them about how Reggie knew I could see them. "A-and Reggie knows, he said he was going to tell Luke and Alex.. so we won't have to tell them later" why couldn't time go faster so I can just go to my next lesson. They both nodded in response but neither said anything.

"Well.. they won't be home until late, I sent them on a mission to book us into the Orpheum so they can... Cross over" Julie added fading out her words and looking down, she didn't want them to go. And neither did I.

Then finally the bell signalling the next class rang causing the lunch hall to become a busy mess of people rushing to their next class. I noticed that neither Julie, Flynn or I had even touched our food so we all quickly scoffed a bunch of food down our throats so we wouldn't go hungry and made our way towards our next lessons. Unfortunately for me it was without them.


The end of the day came quicker than expected. Charlotte has been off the whole day and didn't once bully me, but I know she wouldn't give up just like that for anything, she was planning something.. I could tell.

I made my way home, after staying behind in the library to finish off a project with a girl called Lydia who was surprisingly smart, promising to pop round to Julie's studio to see how the mission went. I reached our street and safely crossed the road before walking up the path to Julie's house. Knocking on the front door to check if she was home.

I waited for a while until I heard a small cough catching my attention, a young boy about 10 or 11 years old, Julie's younger brother, Carlos who was sitting on the deck in a rocking chair face timing someone on his ipad. He stared at me as if something had snapped him into a daze.

"Hi." I said with a small smile and wave. "Is Julie home?" He stood their still in the daze until someone yelled from inside, most likely Julie's dad.

"Carlos who's at the door?" He asked snapping Carlos back into reality.

"O-oh just one of Julie's friends" he yelled back turning towards me. "She's in the garage" I thanked him before making my way towards the garage prepping myself for the first time Luke and Alex knew I could see them.

As I made my way to the door I heard yelling and excited shouts. Sounds like things went well. I stood by the door propping myself up against one side and folding my arms.

"Seems the mission went well" I said in a small yet audible voice catching the attention of everyone in the room. Julie was standing in the table with her phone held up in the air while Luke and Reggie were holding Alex in the air who was doing swimming motions with his arms. "H-hi" I stood their nervously as they lowered Alex to the ground.

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now