Dance Disaster - part 2

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~~Before you start reading, I just want to say that as well as this story I'm also writing another one because the story came to me in a half dream and I just wanted to write it... So if your a huge Tom Holland or Spider-Man fan then you'd probably like my other book as well as this one. It's called Tom Holland / Spider-Man / Peter Parker. Not A Normal Girl.~~

"Well, well, well. Who knew you could sing so well" I snapped my head around to reveal the clapping and the voice coming from the door. Charlotte.

"What are you doing here? And what are you and Carrie up too?" I questioned, that smug look on her face wasn't there for nothing. And why did it have to be her to hear my song.

"Woah, slow down I can only take one question at a time" Charlotte replied with an innocent voice, I didn't look amused "Calm down I just heard someone singing, came to take a look, thought I'd find someone... Less this." She said pointing to all of me, "And I'm up to nothing, me and Carrie were just talking" the smirk reappearing on her face.

"You and Carrie hate each others guts" I stated, and Charlotte flinched. Something's definitely off. But who are they targeting. I wasn't going to get any answers from her so I just budged passed her to walk back inside.

"Running away now are we?"

I turned around and stared into her stormy blue eyes her brown hair flowing in the wind, "No, I just got bored of this conversation" I replied cracking a smile as I walked back into the building, that must have left her pissed. Little did I know she was up to something bigger than just tonight.

I walked back into the hall, the band still not here. "There you are! Where'd you run off to?" Flynn yelled from the steps of the stage. She scared the crap out of me.

"I ran into Charlotte while I was outside" I started, Flynn looked so intrigued. "I think I pissed her off" ... "Pfft" we burst out laughing unable to keep it in anymore. "I'm so glad I met you under those bleachers Flynn" I said a smile brightening up my face.

"Yeah, me too Y/n." I held out my fist and Flynn bumped hers against mine.

"There you are Flynn!" I hear Julie yell from the stage, "come here" Flynn looked at me as if asking permission, she was best friends with Julie so of course I'll let her go help. I nodded and Flynn took the hint and stared walking towards the stage where Julie was crouched.

I walked over to the drinks bar again only to be interrupted by the one and only Nick.

"Hey... Y/n right?" He asked hesitantly pausing in between.

"Yeah t-that's m-me" I stutter. God I forgot about my crush on Nick. "What do you want?" I asked in the politest way, blush evident on my cheeks.

"I just wanted to ask when the band is going on?" Of course he doesn't just want to speak to me. "And I also heard you earlier singing... And then standing up to Charlotte, that was pretty brave of you seeing as you don't talk much." I was dumbfounded. He heard me sing. He saw me stand up to Charlotte. Why does life hate me so much!

"A-ah well you see..." I started only to be interrupted by someone I didn't want to see.

"Nickypoo!" Carrie shouted from behind me, god I hate her. "What are you doing with this piece of trash?" What's up with the insults does she not know my name or something. I rolled my eyes while Nick just looked... Sorry? I don't really know.

"Carrie it's not nice to call someone that" Nick stated the obvious and she just rolled her eyes.

"Well lucky she isn't a 'someone' then" ok now that was just cruel. She cracked another menacing smile, were they targeting me?

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now