New Friend, New Enemy

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I'm so glad people are actually reading and liking my story 😊 it makes me really happy to know people enjoy my work even though I'm not a very good writer, really I just started writing these stories to get better at my English skills so hopefully it all works out. ♥️

I packed my book away once Reggie, Alex and the other guy went (still hasn't noticed they poofed 😂), I noticed that Flynn and Julie were still in the hall talking so I ease dropped a little bit.

"Jules, are you lying to me?" Flynn asked tilting her head to the side, Julie looked a little defeated. Wonder what they were talking about to make Julie lie?

"Yeah" she replied looking down slightly "yeah I'm lying"

"Since when do we lie to each other" this is getting pretty heated I should probably stop liste-

"Flynn... I'm sorry"

"'I'm sorry' that's all you got!" "Hmph" Flynn finally had it and started rushing out the hall with Julie running after her.

"Wait. Flynn. Wait. No. Come. Wait c'mon. Flynn!" Julie yelled as she ran out the gym doors. I should not have listened to any of that.

I made my way out of the hall to get to science only to see 'Julie's band' waiting in a standing pyramid position, trying my best not to laugh I walked straight pass them hoping they wouldn't notice me like everyone in this world, however before I could get far enough for them to not hear me, I burst out laughing, they all glanced my way but I just continued walking.

~~Time Skip~~

Lunch came around and I found an empty table in the cafeteria and sat down only to hear my name being called.

"Y/n!" I turned around to see who called me, a girl with beautiful brown curled hair and blue stormy eyes you could get lost in. She wore blue ripped denim shorts, a pink cropped off the shoulder top with a black bikers jacket and black boots, the one and only, Charlotte Newby. One of the only people Carrie is jealous about. Charlotte is the student council president, she is organised, caring, popular and one of the nicest people I know, she's perfect so why she wants to talk to me, the nobody with no friends, is a mystery. "Y/n there you are!" She yelled with too much enthusiasm even though she was right next to me "I need your help with two things" I was beyond shocked. She wanted my help!

"Y-you want my help?" I said a little confused about what she wanted. "Why me?"

"Because your the only one who can help me silly" she replied in an obvious tone, sitting down next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked hoping to hurry up as now everyone was looking at us.

"Well first you and Julie have to work on the science project together because I'm doing it by myself" she informed, then looking around to see if anyone was listening "and second, can you give this to that boy, the base guitarist in Julie's band since your her neighbour" Charlotte handed me a letter which was bright pink with love hearts on it.

I looked up from the 'love' letter confused "Can't you just ask Julie to give it to him?" I questioned.

"Oh don't get me started, she said she couldn't do it, because there holograms and all that crap" OMG the Charlotte Newby just swore... The world is changing people.

"Then how the hell I'm I going to find him?!" I slightly yelled annoyed at her demands.

"Just do it ok? Jeez stop being so dramatic." She continued "And you wonder why you've got no friends"

I now officially hate Charlotte more than Carrie. At least Carrie didn't go that far and shout the truth out. Now people were staring and whispering about me, because perfect little Charlotte obviously didn't do anything. I had enough. Running out of the hall as fast as I could, I reached the sport fields bleachers curled into a ball and cried, no one ever had said that to my face, and now with everyone whispering about me, I'll never get a friend.

"Hey you ok?" I looked up only to find Flynn sitting at the other end.

"Not really.." I replied looking up slightly, face now draped with tears. "Why are you here?" I asked rubbing my tears away.

"Me and Julie had a fight" Flynn responded. Knowing what happend, I still asked if she wanted to talk about it. That is how me and Flynn got to know each other, we had a lot in common. So for the first time in probably years I'd finally made a friend... and an enemy.

This took me all day to get out! I had to do tonnes of chores because family members were coming (there here now) and then half of the chapter deleted, it was just chaos... But now I've finished it! Hope you enjoy ♥️♥️

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now