A Little Gift

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~~I'm really sorry I haven't update I just haven't found the time 😣😔. But I will try and update at least once if not twice a week. ❤️~~

Y/n P.O.V

I stared at my house, the white walls with the overhang of the roof looming over me as I was preparing myself to go inside. My skirt was drenched and my face probably looked like I'd seen a ghost (lol 😂) I walked up the path heading to the steps. A deep breath in and... I opened the door to find no one there. "Mum?" I yelled putting my bag and house key down by the door. No reply. "Dad?" I yelled once again this time I heard muffled noises coming from the lounge. "Freya?" I whispered as I got closer to the door, reaching for the handle I braced myself. Opening the door I noticed three heads on the sofa all drenched in blood...

Only joking 😂...

I noticed three heads popping over the top of the sofa all sound asleep, i slowly retreated out the lounge closing the door and walking upstairs.

I jumped onto my bed after I got changed and shoved my clothes in the wash, sitting on my bed I looked around my room, the mirror hanging next to the wardrobe the Unas Annus merch up on shelves (so sad it's almost over 😭) until I noticed a note that had neither my parents nor my sister's handwriting on. I opened up the note and inside found a lovely golden necklace with a little music note charm, it read "You should really sing more often, and smile - ;)" with a little winky face drawing. I was lost for words.

Firstly someone would have had to break into my house by window or the door however both are locked. Secondly, someone must have heard me sing and that's suprising because the only place I've ever sung is at school and at my parents wedding. So it has to be one of those people. Right?

I couldn't help but smile, I took the necklace and put it on admiring it in the mirror. Slowly I went to sit by my window staring out at the star filled sky, looking back at the day.

'BAM' my door swung open revealing Freya as if she'd just run a mile and not just up the stairs.

"W-when did you ge-get home?" She asked out of breath. Oh Freya what to do with you.

"I got home and you all were fast asleep on the sofa so I took a shower" I replied getting up from the window and lying on my bed.

"Well why d-didn't you wake me up!" She exclaimed still panting

"You looked so peaceful so I didn't want to disturb you" I laughed getting back up from my bed to brush my now dry hair.

"Ok ok-- wait. Who got you that necklace?!" I flinched. Shoot I completely forgot about that.

"Oh umm Flynn got it for me" I lied. I can't just tell her someone broke into the house. Of course she'll suspect something up, I can't lie to my sister.

"Are you sure~" she asked trying to squeeze the lie our of me.

"Positive." I answered. "Now I've got to do my homework so goodbye!" I started shoving her out of my room.

"I'll get the truth out of you I promi--" I shut the door before she could finish only to hear her yell goodnight.

I stared back down at the necklace lifting my hand up to touch it. Who would give this to me?

Reggies P.O.V

"I gave it to her! I can't believe I gave it to her. I put my whole ghostly existence at risk. But she looked so down and she has the most amazing singing voice I just couldn't not give it to her. Well technically I left it on her bed but still!" I mumbled pacing around the studio Alex and Luke were both sitting on the sofa staring at me.

"Yo Reggie dude chill out" Luke said putting his guitar down as he stared at me. "Why are you even pacing?" He asked looking over towards Alex who just shrugged.

"It's nothing" I lied as I continued to pace until I ended up plumping myself on the sofa between them.

"Well technically if your like this then it's not nothing..." Alex continued looking up from his book. Now they were both staring at me.

"Uhhg I'll be back. I need a walk" I got up and poofed out of the garage. I stared towards the house opposite Julie's my eyes finding their way to Y/n's window, I stood their for 20 seconds taking in every little detail about her, why do my eyes keep finding her? Why do I feel this way when she's near even though she can't see me?

I suddenly found myself being poofed into a nearby tree. My body's moving on its own now. Great. I looked back into her window to see her holding the music note necklace I put on her bed. She was smiling and staring down at it as if she was intrigued. I felt the blood rush up to my face and my heartbeat quicken. She's wearing it... SHE'S WEARING IT!! I slid my hand through my hair ruffling it up a little.

Getting down from the tree I started to walk down the street pondering what this feeling was untill finally I decided to head back by poofing. I laid down in my hammock staring at my guitar, we may not be seen until we play, but, at least I have a second chance at life. If you could call this that...

~~Yo I finished another chapter 😁 after about 10 days!! Reggie is still oblivious as ever... Anyway hope you enjoy!❤️~~

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now