03.) A Family Man

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I sit there and hold my baby boy. His skin, almost as dark as mine, he is beautiful. He had heterochromia like Priscilla, his left eye being grey and his right eye being brown. I see his eyes focus on me, I see his dark skin and his platinum hair showing Albinism. I never thought I would have another child, I never thought I would have another chance at happiness. Get here I am holding my baby boy, here I am being a father. It's then that Nadia comes in, 'Hey Polly can you take me to the movies?' Jordy grabs my beard and plays in it while I'm thinking. "Sure, as long as you go out and shift with your mother."

I see the excitement and then complete annoyance comes across her face all in one motion. 'Fine, I'll do it... if you give me $5 for spending money.' She is lucky I love her, "deal." It is then that he starts to cry. I start to gently pat his back, hoping to hear him burp. What I hear come out of him is more like a roar. "Jesus boy you sound like a grown man I say smiling." Nadia leaves the room and says 'we have to leave in 30 minutes.' I take a breath as I begin to walk to Priscilla's room. Anastasia is busy working out, and she usually doesn't stop for a few hours. As I knock on Priscilla's door, she opens the door and she's wearing a nightgown.

'Polly, it's 3 a.m. Why are you here?' I look at my watch and then I look at her, "It's 4 p.m." she yawns and says 'it might as well be 3 a.m.' She scratches her messy hair as she says 'Let me guess, you want me to watch Jordy while you go do something.' "Can you do it?" I say with a smile. 'You're lucky I love you.' I smile thanking her. 'It's then that she says I demand payment, Mr.Apollos.'

"What do you want?" I say with a deep sigh. She then smiles as she says, 'I want to come on your next mission.' Of course, she wants to come with me, I sigh as I say "Fine."

I'm driving this new car and I'm happy that it has tinted windows. It can go up to 60 miles an hour which is nice, I just wish they made more of it. This is perfect I say to myself, with some money and time the prototype was perfect. Excelsior is the perfect company for building cars. Scientists were able to make the base models, which will make it easier for vampires. We also won't have to worry about intermingling with humans. This was perfect, these cars will be made affordable and can come out of an official salary. It'll also help with tax write-offs.

I've been a vampire for a little over 2 years now and I've learned so much. Humans are expensive for one for two they don't get any easier. Lilith told me of a time, when killing wasn't just in for defense it was even for a sport. Not that times have changed, I think it's even worse now than it was before. She tells me it could be better, I think about her saying that. She has faith in humans, I don't know why I hardly have faith in humans. I think that's what makes Lilith a cut above the rest, she believes in mankind.

I lost my faith in mankind, we spend our lives, committing atrocities and hurting innocent people and we do it in such a way that disrespects those who have been sacrificed. I've seen vampires and werewolves, I've even learned there are such things as ghosts. It all never ceases to amaze me, humans are the most brutal species alive. I think about the fact that people have been sacrificed also.

'Apollos,' I turn to Nadia as she says, 'Why are you always in deep thought?' Nadia was always perceptive and all I could say to her was, "I don't have a choice," She then frowns and says, 'Of course you do. You can have fun. I mean look at what happened to me, I still want to have fun,' She has a cheesy smile on her face as she then says, 'I think you should have fun, Apollos. Mother told me that you like dancing,'

Part of me wanted to kill Anastasia for what she did and ever since she told her that, Nadia has been getting me to dance with her. I dance with her because I enjoy it. The reason why I started dancing was because of Wendy, I wanted to honor her in another way. "Right," I smiled as I said, "You should do that sometime. We can get the guys together," She smiles and says, 'Would you really do that for me?' I say, "Of course," I found myself, wanting to make Nadia and Anastasia as happy as I could but I sometimes find myself wondering if I'm keeping too many things to myself. That's probably why Anastasia is worried about me...And here I am again, overthinking. I swear I'm starting to act like Lilith.

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