27.) Loose Ends

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"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" I ask Marcus. 'Yes,' he says, smiling. I look at his brown skin and I realize he had to have grown up in the same hell I grew up in. He had an American accent and I knew they were all intolerant which means his parents must have lived here. 'How long have you been in Europe?' "Well, to be honest, I was not born in Germany nor was I born in Europe at all. I came from America. My mother had her way paid here by my father while she was pregnant with me,' "This was right before Germany took over Europe," I said. 'Yes,' he says. "How long has she been in Europe?" I ask.

'She died in a concentration camp when I was six. A vampire took me before I could arrive there. When she died in the concentration camp, they couldn't even find her body,' I hear him say somberly. "I'm sorry, son,"

'A vampire took me in and I had been living with my two foster parents before the attack. One of my parents was a vampire and she frequently protected me. Up until we were attacked that day. Atrocities were not just committed by the Nazis but by other vampires, too. The vampires raided each house, they knew some vampires didn't want to fight. Hitler knew that there were vampires who didn't want to do anything so when he had his soldiers attack here, they not only attacked. They murdered my two foster mothers, they didn't even do anything, Apollos. One of my mothers didn't even fight, one was a pacifist and the other one was a nun and they murdered her. Before they killed them though, one vampire scarred my face brutally and after he did that, he said, 'You are the spawn of a coward. You will never grow old, your cowardice will live forever and your scars will show,'

'It was then as I tried to spit out blood that he forced it down my throat and he bit my neck.' "Do you know the vampire's name who did this to you?" 'Yes, his name was Jonathan King. I saw it on his badge,' "Thank you, son. Do you want to know something?" I say, picking him up with my two hands like Jordani. 'Yes,' he says while he's giggling. "Priscilla and Jeane have a gift for you. You said you have never been to the movies, a carnival, or a fair since you've been a vampire?" 'Yes, I will do anything to see my two moms again. Can you make that possible for me?'

'Of course, I can, son. I've made everything possible so far. Ali and Dottie sent you their last letters. I have to go give them to Claire,' He looks at the letters as I begin to leave and I rub his messy curly head and all I could do was think of Adrian. He reminded me most of Adrian that's why I didn't spend too much time around him. He was too innocent like my baby boy and that's all I could think about was his face when I saw Marcus'. There were moments when Marcus' face would show nothing but pure horror, he had seen nothing but hell on Earth but he was still bright, things some children can never be after they've been exposed. The light in their eyes dies and their soul goes with it if you've experienced it long enough, you see how ugly humanity can be and how much they will throw each other to the wolves.

'So, you'll allow me to talk to my mom before I see my new family?' "Yes," I say with a smile. 'Thank you. Thank you for making it painless,' I've been lying to them since the beginning, they knew I was going to kill them and yet they let me lie to myself. Something broke in me when I asked them this question, "Why would you let me lie to you guys?" 'You weren't lying to us. You were trying to spare us from the hard truth but it's okay. I want to have the best day ever and if I can see my moms again, it will be great,' It's then that he hugged me and I sat there as I put my hand on his head.

"Alright, I'm going to go talk to Jeane," As I leave, I had already discreetly scanned his mind, knowing his two mother's names were worth it. Maxine and Norma. I have to figure out a way to connect with the dead as they can help them into a peaceful transition that could be better. It could take a while, but it shouldn't take long to figure this out I might not be able to do this without someone else's help. I may be in a league of my own but unfortunately, I am still lacking in a lot of areas.

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