12.) The Quagmire

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"I'm not doing this Zamiel," 'Are you rebelling against me?' she says, looking baffled. "No. A rebellion requires me to have fighting forces. I'm not killing those children," 'You've killed children before,' "That was different and you know it was," 'So, what you're telling me is that you won't stop the coming of Lucifer himself, my older brother Satan but you'll make sure that those children die anyway,' This wasn't right and she knew it wasn't but what could I say? She had a point.

"I can't do this, I can't keep killing children," 'If you don't, someone else will,' She turns around and I see it, two young men with sub-machine guns with silencers on them. I look closely at them and I see where they're aiming. They weren't aiming for me, they were aiming for the children. 'And if you don't kill them,' she says, interrupting my thoughts, 'Someone else will and they will trigger the end of the world but by all means, be a good samaritan even though we both know you're not,'

It's then that time unfreezes and I only had to react. The bullets fired and I stepped right in the way, blocking the bullets for all of the children. Of course, he interferes I hear one of them thinking. Not only do we have to fight a royal vampire but we have to kill a bunch of undead brats. I close in, grabbing their guns. As I grab both their guns, I feel the burn of the hot lead that passed through me, I was able to keep them from being killed but this didn't stop all of the pain that I felt. He pulled a shotgun on me and he was aiming right at my heart, I had a grenade pin popped in my hand and I had the other man in my grip. His shotgun was pointing at me and my grenade was in my right hand, looking at him. The other man was in my grip and he knew I wasn't letting him go. 'Let my brother go, you son-of-a-bitch,' "I'm not," I say, looking at him with my golden eyes.

'You must not know who we are,' I then look at him and say, "I'm not really keen on introductions, sons," 'We know who you are but since you're not keen on introductions,' *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* I feel three shots in my heart. The brother said, 'How do you like that? A wood-silver cocktail bullet' I cough up blood and then the other brother shoots me with a shotgun shell. I stagger backward and I let the grenade go, they both look, and they both run. They fell for it, I used my vampiric speed to smack one into the ground, not killing him and then I knocked the other one into the ground with my hand.

My chest is regenerating and I already see that the priest is escorting the children out of the tomb. "Get them out of here," I say, focusing on him. 'If those children live, they'll kill the entire world,' I put my foot on his back as I then say, "You asshole. If you kill those children, you're going to kill humanity if you kill them in this place," I put it all together on my own even though I did not want to, not only were these children special. They were also meant to bring about the end of days. These children were the signs of calamity.

I and Zamiel talked for a while and there was only one way to stop this. Killing them was what I had to do, but I couldn't let these assholes do it before I could figure out a solution if I could find one. Who wants to die like that? Dead and alone and murdered for a reason you couldn't control? The two look at me and one of them says, 'How could you keep up with us?' I look at them and say, "You two weren't that good," 'Don't look down on us, you negro,' "That's right, Nathan, piss him off some more when he's got his foot in my back,' 'Well what do you want me to say, Richard?' 'I want you to not piss him off,'

"I'm already pissed off with all the bullets you put inside of me." 'The real question is why aren't you ash?' I hear the other one yell. I smile and say, "Didn't you know? I'm not like the rest of the other vampires. I'm a royal, a simple bullet to the heart isn't gonna kill us. I'll let you both up if you give me your word that you won't attack those children," 'A royal keeping his world? What are you, the Queen's son?' These assholes didn't know me.

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