43.) Prelude to the Masquerade III

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As I think about what I had done to the young lady, I take time to realize I may have been excessive. I feel sorry for the person I had attacked but then I thought about how Hans attacked Wendy. I think about the police report that we fabricated, that Lilith told me everything I needed to know. It was after slaying Hans that she told me everything he did, she took some time to study the environment and there were no signs of forced entry.

That means that son-of-a-bitch got to her in some way and by some way, he gets himself into that building to allow. I stop thinking about the police report as I think about Anastasia. She reprimanded me for what I did and even said, 'I know you're worried but that won't happen to us. I want you to know that I love you and I want you to keep fighting but please trust me when I tell you I can handle a situation.' As she kissed my cheek, she left me with these final words, 'I'm very upset with you and I truly hope that you change that attitude and not treat me as if I'm some helpless woman.'

I had to really think about what I had done and how I was treating her. She left me with so much to think about and I accepted what she said. It's then that I heard Nadia knock on the door, 'Polly, are you almost done sulking?' Goddamn it, she knew I was sulking but she's going to do what she normally does. She starts pestering me by simply knocking on the door and saying, 'Polly, I know you're in there.' I tried to ignore her as best as I could but she knew me well.

"And what if I said I was?" 'I'll tell you to take me to dinner tonight.' "I don't want to go." 'Because you don't eat food but you know who eats food? This grown wolf girl needs plenty to eat.' I looked at the time and I realized it was 2:30 in the morning. "Ah, fuck" was the only thing I could say. Why did it have to be this way? A werewolf on her period, I opened the door ready for the damage and I saw it, she and Jordani had basically shifted into a bunch of mad wolves and ran rampant throughout the house.

'I'm hungry. Polly, I'm getting hungry,' Jordi then yelped in his wolf form, "Alright, I'll start cooking." Nothing was open around this time and I knew why. "Where did all the maids go?" I ask. It's then that she says, 'You do know that a majority of them are werewolves, and usually, someone preps food but I guess they forgot.' She was ravenously hungry and I could tell. 'Come on Polly, I could eat a whole person today.' And she could, shifting cost a lot of energy and they were definitely burning through it.

As I got ready to cook their food, I had to move quickly. With one stroke of my speed, I had already prepared everything for them. They had the meat raw ready but I had to have it medium rare for Nadia. Jordi was just going to have to drink his mother's milk with a nice slurry of raw meat. He's a year old but he's already eating like a goddamn titan. I season the food with my speed, hoping that I'll make it in time. I had to make it before they shifted again before they ran amuck in the kitchen.

As I finished cooking the meat on high, I knew my dad would be pissed if he saw this. He knew how to cook because of Lilith and if he saw how I rushed their entire meal, he would be pissed and say, 'No normal woman would eat this food that you overseasoned. She's going to think that you murdered the cow in a blind rage and then cooked it to pretend you didn't murder it. Actually, did you kill her dog instead and are trying to feed it to her?' He had such a weird sense of humor and it made me wonder why some of the jokes I told her about him had her laughing hysterically.

Lilith would always lose herself, laughing at the jokes I would tell her. Straight-up saying, 'At least you knew he loved when he wasn't depressed.' I smiled as I thought about how much therapy has helped me. I could talk about my father without being angry because there were good days with him. I just wish he would've been there all the time. At that moment, I hear Anastasia howl.

I fed the two children while they pretty much tore through the food in their wolf forms. As I listened to Anastasia's howl again, I saw Nadia stand upright and Jordani mimicked her. She was looking for where the howl was coming from and then as soon as she found out, I opened up the window, leading in that direction. The two jumped from a two-story building and landed perfectly. I smile as I see both of their white furs get smaller in the distance.

As I go to clean up the kitchen, I find myself, happy that she came back until I heard a telepathic thought. 'Apollos, we have visitors.' "Who was this?" I mentally say. 'It's Priscilla.' "Why does your voice sound different?" 'Can you just hurry the fuck up? It's right where Anastasia is.'


As I howled to call the packs towards me, I allowed myself to prepare. Today is going to be the first day of Nadia's initiation into the pack. It will also be the day we will bring another pack into the fold. My pack is growing bigger and I feel soon, it will be a tribe of wolves of different types.

As wolves began to come from my first howling, I could see that my daughter had not joined. I gave it a few more minutes as other wolves were still coming and I howled one more time. All the wolves had nearly collected. It was then that I saw everyone begin to take human forms, I looked around as I saw all the werewolves gathering and all of them shifting, I spoke in perfect English.

"You're all gathered here today to meet the new pack members." Everyone looked at them, cautiously. Mary and her tribe remained calm as they had their hands up to show that they were no threat. As Nadia got closer, I could see her eyes studying Mary and it was then that Mary looked at her, nervously. Then Nadia smiled and looked at her, I could tell that the two were about the same in age.

It's then that Nadia bows and I can see she welcomes them all. My daughter had more of her father than I thought. "They will be accompanying us to the masquerade, we will establish a territory for our people."

It was then that a breeze came by, and I smelled it, a soft fragrance of detergent. I turned in the direction of the smell. It was Priscilla, it was then that she disappeared out of sight. was she watching me or was she curious as to who the individuals were? That woman needs hobbies as much as I love and care for her, she has a borderline obsession with Apollos. Did she hear what I was saying? Did she disagree with it? It didn't matter, though. She knew what I was doing was for the good of my people and her people.

Lilith believes that werewolves and vampires can stand on much better ground if they stand together. The truth of the matter is she's right. Priscilla knew how good vampires and werewolves could work together. She also knew that vampires and werewolves are one of the most dangerous types of predators. Humans liked to believe that they were apex predators but the truth of the matter is vampires fed on them and werewolves used humans as a means to breed.

As Priscilla slipped out of sight, I felt Apollos' thoughts as the first thing he said to me was, 'Is everything okay?' I chuckle and say, "Yes. Everything's fine but your sister seems to be worried." 'I am worried and Priscilla never fails to make her entrance.' As she then says, 'Are you sure we can trust that girl?' "Yes, Priscilla, we can trust her," I say. 'But she attacked you and my nephew.' "Yes, I know what she did but right now, you are to watch and observe." 'Priscilla, I think we should stay out of this because we don't want to agro them.' She sighs as she says, 'Fine but the second she looks like she's going to do something stupid, her head hits the ground.'

As Priscilla and Apollos begin to leave, I hear Apollos say in his thoughts, 'I trust you.' That was all I needed to know, that my husband trusted me and that he didn't take my criticism to heart. I loved him but I could take care of myself and he needed to know that. As they leave, I notice Nadia and Mary are beginning to get along even more as they begin to communicate and sniff. I could tell that Mary was still apprehensive but Nadia was slowly eating away at her fear.

It's been a long time since my baby girl could smile, maybe this girl could help my daughter. She's grown to love Apollos but what she needs is to be around werewolves, not vampires. She needs to know her people. I hope Apollos understands that.

End of Chapter 43: Prelude to the Masquerade (Part 3)

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