37.) Montheria Chronicles part i

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As we fell on our backs, I scrambled to get to my feet. It's then that the cosmic warrior turns around as he says, 'Something's not right. The horses were already dead.' Leimaz and his horse were completely fine, but ours were dead. I sent Aiwin to go and get reinforcements yet something about this does not feel right.

How is it that these two are so calm? It seems like the two beasts have much more fight in them. It's then that Judas rubs his horse's head as he gets off of it. 'Go now. it's not safe.' He smacks the horse's ass and it sprints off. As it begins to spirit, it sprints into the clouds. Leimaz's white horse follows. 'I see now.' He says, calmly, 'You're hiding deeper in the forest, and even deeper in the forest, there is a mansion. I'm coming for you,' was all he said.

'Leimaz, can you see where she is?' "She?" I say with my eyebrow raised. 'Haven't you heard the voice?' Ivar asks. I nod as I say, "Clearly, it's a male." He says nothing as he says, 'Cancel your reinforcements. If we send anyone else here, we'll die.' Why was he so calm? What did he know that we didn't? 'Our communication has been compromised. I'll tell you all soon.' It was then that I heard the cackling of a madman.

'Do you think I'm going to let you through, you beast?' It's then that he began to walk to the forest that oozed hatred, malice, and death and he was calm while doing it. Ivar had run past me, following him. 'You all die here and now!' It was then that I felt a grip around my foot, I looked down and I saw something I wish I hadn't.

'Please help us.' I hear a little girl's voice and then I see her broken and scarred face, her hand gripping a piece of my leg armor and then another person grabbed my red cape. 'Aren't you supposed to help us?' I hear an old, decrepit voice, an old man who had been dead. 'Please help us.' It was then that people began to crawl out of the ground, looking at us, their eyes empty but their voices were as if they were still alive.

'Aren't you going to help us? Aren't you all legendary warriors? I believed in you. I believe in you, aren't you going to set us free?' I heard a little boy's voice and I recognized him. He was my little brother. "Impossible. He was supposed to stay away from this. Why is he here?" It was then that I felt a sharp pain in my back, an old woman stabbed me in the back. I wondered why no one said anything, but I could see Cozbi shaken so badly that she could hardly grip her staff.

Aiwin's eyes began to well up with tears as he said, 'Why?' and then I heard his voice. 'Still yourselves. They're all enemies and if you give in even once, they'll keep doing this to everyone. We can't bring back our loved ones but we can make sure that no one else suffers this loss.'

"That's easy for you to say. You don't have to see this." 'Are you all legendary warriors or are you all cowards?' AS I felt hot tears falling down my face, I turned around and I felt fire coming out of me, and then it happened. "Cleansing fire!" and I fired at the little girl and Eesdris' body, fired again to melt all of the bodies down to nothing.

'But why?' I hear her say, 'I thought you were a hero.' As each one began to turn to dust, more began to come out of the ground and all of them looked at us, their voices hollow and dead. 'Brother, please save me. Please save me.' I hear his voice and it's then that I see Judas as he says, 'You don't want to do this one. I have you. I'll do it for you.' At that moment, he put his hand on top of my little brother's head. It was then that Fuega began to disappear, my brother's strawberry blonde hair was there. Was my brother here or was this an illusion?

It's impossible, my little brother is 16 so how does he know what my little brother looked like when he was younger? At that moment as Judas touches his head, his hand passes right through it, an illusion, I think to myself. The boy disappeared and as he did, I noticed there were four of them behind me and I turned my sword, decapitating all four of them. "You will pay for that!" I yelled in a blind rage and at that moment, the sword activated to my will and I could finally do it, one of my special attacks.

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