15.) The Devil's Seduction

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"I'd like to thank you for what you did back there" I turn to Lucifer and I see him, talking to his children. I see him embracing them and the children being completely understanding of who they came from, it didn't seem to bother them at all. As I sat there, it made me jealous that I couldn't spend my time with my son, with my children at all. They're all gone except for my baby boy. The twins would be 2 and a half right now, it's then that Lucifer walks beside me, his children now playing with their toys.

'I understand this might be quite jarring for you, but do you know why they call me the betrayer, the seducer, the liar, and every other bad thing they can call me?' I chuckled as I said, 'For one, you made a bitch eat an apple, and let's be honest, I thought that was the worst thing you could've told someone to do. Bitch, I'll eat it," Lucifer then chuckles as he says, 'No, I did not make Eve eat the apple. Contrary to popular belief, they asked me what the apple was and I answered the question,' "What do you mean?" 'It's a story for another time, but think of it like this. No angel has free will yet the archangels act as if they do have it and I clearly have it,'

That thought made me shudder, how much did I not know? "So, are you saying all religion is a lie?" I ask him. 'No, far from it. I am saying religion was created for humanity to guide itself through everything. Belief is something that is needed for races to thrive, just like hope is crucial for humans to survive in the most desperate of situations. They both play a pivotal part in everything so don't confuse humans for just being foolish. They are in essence everything that is needed to grow and evolve. Where vampires are stagnant, humans are prone to improvement through generations,'

I'm baffled by what I hear, was the king of lies giving humanity credit? 'You call me a king but you do know that angels have no gender,' he says, slowly biting down on his lip, 'Even the devil wants to be loved like a woman,' I feel his hands slowly working down my pants, no her hand. I stop his hand with my hand or her hand, Lucifer's already complicating things. It's time for him to be on his way. 'I got the hint. Your heart is only for Anastasia. I'll leave you alone,' I see a lustful look in her eyes, Lucifer was undescribable but the beauty in Lucifer was the most horrifying thing about him, the beauty was sinful, sinful, and everything you would ever want.

'I should let myself get back to the subject. They're not my children, they're the product of me creating my soul. All beings born from my soul are technically a part of me. They are more like offshoots of my soul sometimes offshoots return back to me. Sometimes they grow to be something different entirely. Though they all can grow to become the antichrist,' I think about it, then I say "That would be the perfect way to make one, too. A part of your soul, especially the soul of a powerful being would be a direct connection to you. You would know what they're doing so in essence, these children are children in name only."

He then says, 'You can consider them children though the reason why Zamiel is so annoyed by them is that their souls have become independent of mine. Once they become independent of my soul, that's how the antichrist will be born. The antichrist starts off as one of the Four Horsemen, then once the antichrist reaches full power, they are supposed to be killed by the other horsemen. To stop the end of days, the horsemen are supposed to damn the world and then save it. That's what you're supposed to do, Gabe,' "What?" 'That's what you're supposed to do. You're going to damn this world and then you're going to save it but before you do all of that, you must damn these children to death so that they can be saved from their heartache,'

I realize something disturbing, he doesn't want me to kill them so they return back to him. He wants me to kill them so he can set them free. 'Why would you want me to set them free?" 'Why would I want you to set them free?' he says with a chuckle, 'Because I get tired of having to reassimilate innocent souls into me. I get tired of reliving the hell and torment that those children had to suffer. I'm already the king of Hell, I'm already the most unclean being on the planet. Why would I let children suffer the same fate as me?' I calm myself, I see it now. Emotions in those eyes, those cold black eyes, eyes that stare back from the abyss, not eyes that stare into the abyss but eyes that stare back. This is what stares back when you gaze into the abyss.

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