Chapter 10

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I walked into my room and there I saw Zain reading his book. I walked towards him and sat on the bed beside him. "Zain, baby are you angry at me?" He looked at me and shook his head.

"Then do you hate me?" He started tearing up and jumped into my lap while wrapping his arms around me. "M-Mommy, sorry," He said while hugging me tighter.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer not wanting to let go of him. I pulled away and looked at his baby face, I chuckled when I saw him pouting. "I'm sorry for shouting at you baby, but he isn't your daddy. I'm sorry baby, but... you don't have a daddy"

He may be 5 but I know my son, he is mature, he is really understanding. I sighed and put him on the bed while facing him. "But mommy, why don't I have a daddy? All my classmates have their daddy"

He said while looking down at his hands, I could see he was sad just by looking at how he played with his hands, just like I do. "Because I'm not married" He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Then will you get married?" Married? Me? I've never thought about it after having Zain, who would also marry me? I have a son and after mom's talking and behavior, no one would marry me.

"Maybe, why you want me to get married?" I asked while giggling. He nodded happily while I stood up and walked towards my makeup table. I started taking my hijab off while looking at him through the mirror.

"Yes! If mommy gets married then I'll have a daddy" I chuckled and walked up to him and put him down on the bed while putting the blanket over him.

"Inshallah one day," I said and pecked his head. He smiled and put his hand together while closing his eyes. "Inshallah" I smiled towards him and turned the lights off.

"I will be back okay, for now, sleep" He nodded his head while I walked out of my room and closed the door. I went downstairs but stopped at the stairs when I heard mom and Usman's conversation.

"Usman, you don't understand, she is just a burden. If we let her live with us with her son, we won't be able to live happily. Her son and she is just a burden, we don't even know till today who the father is of the unwanted child, even before he was born his father left him, then who are we to take care of them"

"Ammi, please, can you stop this? Why are you like this?" "Why I'm like this?! Usman, my daughter, your own sister left this house because of her! Have you ever thought about where she is, how she is? Anything?!"

"Ammi, please! You don't know why she left and neither does anyone else! Stop this bullshit!" "Usman, I've been quiet because of your father, but now that he isn't here, you'll do what I'm telling you to!"

"No, I'm not letting her leave and that's final" "You'll do as I said, you'll talk to her tomorrow morning or I'll tell her to leave myself, your choice"

That was it, all this time not even once did I mean anything to her. All this time I was just a burden on her. "J-Jannat, what are you doing here?" I looked at Usman and shook my head.

"I-I just came to get water" "Please, don't hide your pain, and you're not leaving, just ignore Ammi," He said while whipping my tears away. I shook my head and slowly pushed his hand away.

"No, I'll leave tomorrow morning, I can't hear more about Zain. I knew this day would come" I said before going back to my room without hearing him out.

I saw Zain sleeping peacefully, I took three suitcases and started packing our things. I'm sorry Abbu, but I have to leave, I can't live here if this keeps going on.

"Mommy, where are we going?" "To a new house," I said shortly while putting our suitcases back in the car. "Is grandma and uncle also coming?" He asked while handing me his big teddy which dad got him for his third birthday.

"Zain you are a big boy now right?" I said while bending down on his height, he nodded his head and kept looking at me. "And since you're a big boy, then you need to live alone with mommy"

"So it's a test?" Test? I nodded my head and helped him into the car. I looked for the last time at the house and took a deep breath. I had so many memories here.

I'm leaving but I'll take the memories along with me.

Makson Kingston P.O.V.
"The mansion must hold the feeling of family and love, I don't want any mistakes in designing this mansion," I said coldly while looking at my designing team.

"This is important, Mr. Smith is expecting a lot from us, so I'm sure you all will do well" They all looked at each other and nodded their heads, "Good because I won't take no as an answer and as for our new hotel has anyone found a new receptionist?" I asked my other team while looking at them.

"A-About that, w-we haven't found anyone" Bismillah, don't lose your temper. "And why not?" "W-We didn't have time, t-there was a lot going on" I looked at Jason.

"Don't worry boss, I'll find some quickly" "Quickly and a good one" I said while standing up. "Meeting dismissed," I said and started to walk towards my office with Jason following me.

As I walked into my office I was met by my father who was looking around the office. "Hey Dad, how come you are here?" "I came to check on the company, and looks like you changed the office"

I nodded while seating down on the couch as my father did the same. "I didn't like your bright colours" "That was your mother's idea" I chuckled and nodded my head.

"The business award show is tonight" I looked at Jason, I was expecting him to tell me about it. "Don't glare at him" "Jason, are you tired of your job?" "No boss, I was going to tell you right now but since your father is here I knew he would talk about it, and Mr. Kingston I've been working with boss for a very long time, I'm used to him. I'll take my leave now"

Wow, is this man for real? He is the only person in our company who isn't afraid of me or who dares to talk like that to me. "There is a rule for this award show" I looked at dad confused.

"Rule?" "Yes, you have to bring a date or wife along" "But why? It wasn't like this when you used to go" He nodded his head and leaned back on the couch.

"Yes, but I do remember that I took your mom along with me, all the time. If I was you, I would start finding a date quickly because the show is tonight at 8 pm"

Tonight, are you kidding me? How will I find a date? "I'll take mom with me" "No-No, young man, not my woman" "Why are you still so possessive" "Wait till your time son, good luck," He said and walked away.

I grabbed my head and sighed. I had so many things running in my head, first Jannat and now this. Wait... Jannat, yes Jannat, I'll ask her.

But why will I ask her? We aren't even close.

I know, but she is the only girl, I've talked to and felt comfortable with.

No, what am I thinking, I can't bring that idiot along with me.

But it won't hurt asking her about it.

Yes, it will, remember what you did yesterday.

I know, but that was just a mistake, It wasn't supposed to be like this.

"Boss?" I was starlet by Jason's voice. When did this guy come? I fixed myself and looked at him, "What?" "Why do you keep talking to yourself?" I looked at him confused.

"You kept saying things like, "she is the only girl, I've talked to" and all that" "So I was saying everything loudly?" He nodded his head while I sighed.

"Mr. Kingston told me to help you find a date" "No need, I've already found one," I said while grabbing my car keys.

Let's do it!

Two chapters out today, a little eid gift for my readers;)

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