Chapter 36

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It's been a month since our wedding and this one month has been magical. There hasn't been a day where Makson didn't let me feel his love. We were happily married living with his parent's since I didn't want to move out.

Everyone had gone to sleep, while I was waiting for him since he has been coming home late because of work. The front door opened as I saw him walking in while losing his tie.

I walked towards him and helped him with his coat, "You look more tired than usual" He suddenly hugged me kissing the top of my head, as I smiled at his little cute behaviour.

"I'm sorry that you had to wait for me" I shook my head and pulled away as I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the dining room. I pulled the chair out as he chuckled, "It's my job" "Not when my hubby is tired... It should be 50/50" I said and winked before getting the food.

I put everything on the table and sat on the chair beside him. I served him his dinner as he looked at me "Did you eat?" I nodded my head as he shook his head while chuckling.

"Don't lie to me" I pouted as he started serving me dinner. "Did you talk to Usman?" I nodded my head as I put some juice for him in the glass. "Yes, he came back yesterday and will be coming tomorrow for Zain's birthday party" Makson nodded his head while eating.

After dinner, I told him to go to our room, since I wanted to wash the dishes before going to bed. I walked upstairs and went to check on Zain before going to our room.

I smiled when I saw him sleeping with a pout on his lips. I walked into our room and saw Makson seating on the bed with the towel in his hands. I closed the door after me and walked towards him.

I took the towel from him and started drying his hair, "I'm sorry" I looked at him confusedly. "Why?" He sighed and took the towel from me and made me sit beside him while holding onto my hands.

"Couples go on a honeymoon after their marriage, but I went directly back to work after our marriage" I smiled as I shook my head. "It's nothing Makson, it doesn't matter," I said while standing up and started to make our bed ready to sleep.

I felt him back hugging me as he suddenly pecked my neck sending shivers all over my body. He didn't stop and started giving me wet kisses all over my neck. "M-Makson?" "I promise that we'll go on honeymoon" He whispered while tightening his arms around my waist.

"Remember Zain's gift tomorrow," I said as we both layed on the bed. He nodded his head while pulling me into his chest. "I love you" I smiled as he always confessed to me before sleeping. "I love you too"

"Where is this boy?" I was waiting for Makson who wasn't still back. Everyone was here, Zain's friends, Arif, Jack, Usman, and Maria. I had called him 10 times but he didn't answer my call. "Jannat, he may still be in his office, don't worry"

"I don't know mom, I-I'm getting really worried... He always answers my calls, but..." She hugged me and tried calming down, but at the moment the only person I wanted to see was Makson.

It was getting very late and still, there was no sign of him, and now I wasn't the only one who was worried, everyone was worried. Zain, Jasmine and Hasneen had gone to sleep since the birthday was over.

When the doorbell rang I ran up to the door and opened the door. When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes, there stood Makson his head was banged and so was his arm.

Everyone ran after me and were as shocked as I was. I couldn't say anything and tried to hold myself. "Oh my god! Makson, dear what happened to you?!" Mom asked him worriedly while Jack helped him inside.

I couldn't move from here, Maria held onto me and hugged me, "It's okay, he is fine" She whispered while patting my back. She helped me into the living room as I stood behind Makson.

"It's nothing mom, just a little accident" "You could have called and informed us! Do you know how worried we all were?! Did you think about Zain and Jannat?! She has been worried sick!"

"Honey, don't scold him now... Do it tomorrow morning, he is safely home that's enough... Jack take him to his room" Jack helped Makson up the stairs while I stayed downstairs for a while.

Dad looked at me and made me sit beside him, "He is fine, don't worry" He said before pecking my forehead. "go to him" I quickly got up and ran upstairs. Jacked walked out as he smiled towards me.

I got inside and looked at him, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Shh, don't cry" I couldn't hold my tears as I started crying on his shoulder.

"I-I was so scared... I-I was so scared Makson" "Shh, I know... I'm sorry I made you worried... I'm fine, stop crying" He said while whipping my tears away. He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.

"Now don't be a crybaby..." I pouted and slightly hit him on his chest as he chuckled at me. "I have got Zain his gift and your gift too" "I didn't ask for anything"

He nodded his head and got something out from his pocket. "Zain's gift is already in his room, and this is for you" He handed me a letter as I slowly opened it.

"Makson..." "I promised to take you on honeymoon," He said as he winked. I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Thank you... But your health comes first"

"I know, I know... Plus I have to heal before I can do anything on our honeymoon" he smirked while looking at me. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and suddenly the door to our room opened.

"Daddy! Thank you! You got me kitty!" Zain ran towards us with a little kitten in his hands and sat beside Makson. "No problem buddy. And daddy is sorry, I didn't give you your gift earlier"

I smiled while looking at them, "No, daddy got hurt so it's okay, and I want my daddy to be alright" I patted his head as he looked at me. "Mommy I wanna name him Peanut" "Of course, then his name will be Peanut" I helped him in bed between me and Makson.

"Get ready for our honeymoon baby" *Wink*

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