Chapter 31

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Jack was going left and right while being worried. "What are we gonna do?!" He shouted while being angry. "She is crossing her limits!" Usman was sitting there embarrassed about his sister's actions.

"We have to do something to stop the wedding," Arif said while standing up and looking at Usman and Jack. "No" Jack and Arif looked at Usman who stood up and looked at them.

"We won't stop the wedding, we'll find Jannat and we'll reveal the truth" Jack and Arif looked at each other and then at Usman. "What's the plan?" "I'll go and find Jannat along with my team, you both will take care of things here and inform me about everything" They both nodded their head and Usman told the rest of the plan.


"I want my sister safely right in front of me in an hour, if not then you're all gonna lose your job!" They all shivered at his voice and nodded their heads. Usman looked at his caller id and answered the phone while his team went to their work.

"No, my team is looking for her, just keep updating me," He said before ending the call. "I'll find my sister no matter what," He said to himself and got into his car.

On the other hand, Arif and Jack were trying to act normal. They were looking at the fake bride who was seating in a corner. They didn't lose her, not even for a second.

They saw Haniya's mother walking towards her and took her away from there. They looked at each other and followed them up to the room. They were lucky that Haniya and her mother forgot to close the door so they both stood there listening to whatever they were saying.

"Did you hide her carefully?" "Yes ammi, don't worry, she won't get out from there, no one would even think that she is there" Jack and Arif looked at each other, Arif took his phone and let Usman hear along.

As they heard what Haniya and her mother were talking about, they were shocked. "Remember, when you get married, the first thing you're gonna do is take the share and meet me at the airport"

"So she is doing this for money?" Usman said through the call embarrassed about his sister's actions and thoughts. "I'll call you later, I think I know where Jannat is," He said when it hit him where she could be.

Jack and Arif went away from there and walked downstairs. "Makson should know about this" Arif said while looking around. "No, we won't be able to hold onto him"

"Jack you don't understand, the wedding is about to start! He needs to know!" Arif said furiously and brushed his hair back with his hands. "No, let it be, I trust Usman, he will find Jannat and get here before anything happens," Jack said while looking at the door.

Usman called his all team members and looked at them, "Get your cars ready, we're going to find my sister" "Yes boss!" They all got the cars ready while Usman texted Arif.

He got in his car and started driving followed by his team.

"Haniya, let's go it's time," Said her mother while walking into her room. She smiled and stood up, "It's our victory ammi" "Yes it is dear, and no one can stop us now, not even that girl Jannat," Her mother said while putting the dupatta down.

"Let it be like this till the end of the day," She said before helping her downstairs. When they were downstairs, her mother helped her sit on the sofa. After a while, Makson also came downstairs happily and sat over for Haniya thinking that it was the love of his life.

Usman was at the place and started looking for Jannat everywhere, that's where he found her pin. He looked at the stairs and ran downstairs. He pushed the door and there he saw his sister tied to a chair injured.

He untied her and checked her pulse. He sighed in relief and tried waking her up. "Baji, baji, wake up! ANTHONY WATER!" he shouted, and in a few seconds, his team member ran towards him with water.

He sprayed a little water on her face as she slowly woke up. She blinked her eyes as she breathed heavily, as she saw Usman her eyes teared. "Baji..." he softly said as Jannat jumped into his arms hugging him tightly while crying on his shoulders.

"Get my car ready," Usman said while trying to calm Jannat down. He pulled away and whipped her tears away, "I won't let anyone touch you baji, I should have never trusted someone else" He said softly while she shook her head.

He helped her up and got outside and helped her into his car. "Thank you boys, you did a good job with helping... I need only three to come along with me" His members nodded as three of them went with Usman.

Usman took his phone and called Arif, "I found Jannat, stop the wedding!" Jannat looked at Usman confused, "Wedding?" Usman cut the call and spared a glance at his sister, "You'll get to know everything"

Arif looked at Jack and smiled, "He found Jannat, we just need to stop the wedding" Jack nodded his head and looked at Makson. "I have an idea" As the wedding was about to begin, Jack started talking.

"Wait, wait everyone... Before my brother gets married, I have a few wishes" His mother sighed as his father whistled. "Go on, now is the time Jack!" His father shouted as the people around there laughed.

"I have 4 wishes...." "Ask..." Makson said getting enough of his brother. "First wish... You will never make Jannat cry, as her brother-in-law I'll break your legs!" "Good one son!" His mother shouted as Makson chuckled.

"That day won't come" "Second wish... I want to have at least 6-8 nieces or nephews" "Yes dad, that was a good one! I want a lot of sisters and brothers!" Zain shouted happily as he ran towards Makson.

"Third wish... You will always give time to Jannat and never let her feel like she is alone or that she never got the love she deserved" "I promise" Makson said softly while smiling.

"The last wish... You can't marry her" He said while pointing at the fake bride aka Haniya. Everyone was shocked, "Jack that's not a good joke," His mother said angrily, as Makson looked at his brother confused.

"I'm not joking mom... He can't marry someone other than Jannat" Makson slowly stood up while putting Zain on the floor. "What do you mean Jack?"

"What he means is that your bride is here!"

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