01| back to work

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It was a new day and it's back to work

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It was a new day and it's back to work. The weekend felt shorter than usual but what could she do.

 Monday was the day she hates but it was back to work for Leah. She didn't particularly like work, but money was her priority now.

She has been working at De Luca corporation was one year now. How she got the job was purely luck.

An HR manager went to her then working spot and offered her a job as his secretary's assistant to work under him.

He offered her the job due to seeing the poor working conditions and how the consumers treated her.

Leah would forever be grateful to him. What she earns now is a hundred times more than her previous job.

With money saved, she hopefully can start her own small little business. That was her goal.

Enough daydreaming, she thought. Or else I will be late.

From her small little place, it was only a short fifteen minutes walk which she always enjoyed. It was how she relaxed even before the day started.

She didn't have friends or a social life. It was always just her. She also was painfully shy and quiet, thus getting bullied or forced to do things she necessarily did not want to do.

She greeted the janitors and the receptionist before heading to her desk at level 15.

Ding! The sound jolted her out of her deep thoughts as she walked over to her desk.

"Photocopy this and that, bring me my coffee, and look through all those files" It was her bully at work, Bianca.

Bianca dumped everything on her two arms who almost dropped those things she was given.

"Yes Ms Hayes" She said quietly before scurrying off to make Bianca's coffee.

"What a loser" Bianca muttered to herself, walking back to her desk as she scrolled through tinder.

"Your coffee Ms Hayes" She carefully placed the coffee on her desk before returning to her own.

It wasn't necessarily a desk or a work space. Bianca kicked her out of her own seat and she worked in a toilet. Yes you heard it right. A toilet.

The HR manager who was kind and helped her get this job had already retired and entrusted his position to Bianca so she was in charge.

The thing was she wasn't even known to exist in this company. Only the janitors and the receptionist.

Most of the other workers thought she had quit or had no knowledge she existed. She still gets her pay thankfully, but it wasn't an ideal workplace but it will have to do for now.

She first photocopied the agreement and the contracts of new hires and interns for the boss to review, of course not forgetting to pass it to Bianca.

Than she had to look through those files Bianca gave to her. It was simple but tedious. Just by looking through and making sure nothing was wrong with the employees, it took up until lunch time.

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