19| in love

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The next day was a day off for everyone

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The next day was a day off for everyone. Since the gala was held on a Monday, Kane decided to let the whole office have a rest, and report back tomorrow.

As for Kane and Leah, they were enjoying each other's company. They were planning to tell everyone the news, aka just his family and friends.

Kane had planned to introduce Leah to his best bud and his girlfriend today. But first, they would be making a pit stop to his parent's place.

It is time to formally introduce Leah as her girlfriend now. But for now, that wasn't their priority.

Scrolling through the Netflix shows, nothing seemed to catch their eyes, so they decided to just exit Netflix.

With the both of them having slight hangovers, they wanted to laze around a bit more before getting up.

It was around 3.30pm, still at a reasonable timing.

Seeing that Leah has no clothes at his place, they would also have to stop at Leah's place to grab some stuff.

Leah also decided to bring some of her daily necessities when she stayed over at Kane's place for convenience sake.

She felt slightly nervous to see everyone's reaction. She was scared of rejection.

Just then she remember, "I need to go to my store too! I need to start renovations" She muttered pretty soft, but it was still heard by Kane.

"Hm what store? The place that I sent you?" Kane asked puzzled.

"Er yes. I kinda got this job because I was trying to save up money to open my own shop. It's a boutique" Leah shared sheepishly.

"Oh wow!" Kane exclaimed.

"You're not mad are you?" Leah asked, concerned. She was worried that he wouldn't be open and receptive to her hobbies and likes, just like her ex.

Trauma and phobia.

"Why would I be? I have a girlfriend who is going to be a successful fashion designer. That also explains the amazing interior designs" Kane complimented her.

Leah smiled at Kane's words. She was glad that he supported her.

"You wanna see the place?" Leah asked, hoping for a yes. To her delight, Kane agreed and so they left quickly.

They were planning to visit there after their plans.

But of course, they first went to Leah's house. She was wearing Kane's smallest clothes, yet they looked way too big on her. 

With breeze, they had reached. Leah and Kane exited the car and went into her apartment.

As she was going to be meeting people, Leah couldn't dress sloppy. What would be an appropriate outfit to wear to meet the parents and friends?   

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