Part 11

148 11 3

Sorry for the wait guys.'^_^ I was actually busy.


I waited.

And waited.

And waited...

She's supposed to arrive at about 11 pm. Everything was ready. I knew what I had to say. All that was left was for her to come. Which she did after what felt like an hour had passed. I opened the door and there she was in a dark outfit wearing sunglasses.

"Thanks. Come in" I say and she lets herself in and sits on the sofa.

"I had to sneak out of my house. This better be worth it " she glared at me.

"Ok. Listen..... the thing is......I want you to turn yourself in!" I blurt out. Just like that.

She at first blinks at me then starts laughing " are you serious!? Your joking right? You want me to turn myself in for something I didn't do? "

"Oh please stop with this nonsense! This lying doesn't fool me and it doesn't fool you. Is that seriously what you tell yourself? " I say to her as my patience starts to slip away.

"Whatever. You said you want me to turn myself in. Let me guess, your getting crazier day by day " she giggles

I stay silent and look away.

"You're a coward you know that. Don't know why I didn't realise it on the phone but you don't have the guts to commit suicide. All bark and no bite. You're not ever gonna tell the police because you're afraid of what's gonna happen afterwards. Too bad, if only you weren't horrible at keeping secrets "

"How...? " I uttered

"What? "

"How could you not see that you've committed a crime. You killed someone. How can you take it so lightly! "

She grins and says "because I don't care about the death of a scumbag"

"...what ? "

"You know, that day, Tessa had recorded some of my dark secrets and was threatening me. ME!!. The nerve. I needed her to remember her place in this world." she starts.

Suddenly, from my peripheral vision, I could see Tessa. She was in the room with us. But instead of Irma, she was looking at me. I tensed up but pretended not to see her.

" What kind of secrets...? " I say trying not to look at Tessa.

She smirks "Oh you know, affairs, drug involvements stuff like that. It would have been really bad if she exposed it. So getting rid of her was necessary. This world is filled with scumbags so getting rid of one or two should be a relief. Lisa, you are an accomplice no matter how many petty excuses you tell me or yourself"

"Shut up! Because of you, my life is ruined! I'm going crazy! My parents think I'm going crazy! All I ever wanted was a peaceful life! And... you're the one who pressurized me to it" I answer tears begun to flow as my head filled with screams. It was bizarre. I heard screaming but there was no one. It was really irritating.

She raises an eyebrow and gets up "That's not my problem. frankly, I don't care but if your going to start the blame game then let's get something straight. I NEVER pressurized you into anything. Whatever you did you did it of your own free will. I wasn't holding a gun to your head when the police were questioning. I never told you to keep it a secret. I only pointed out that you had two options. Either give up your social status or lie.Your a coward "

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I was boiling with rage not because she said all that but because everything she said...was the truth. The truth that I've been denying this entire time. No, wait....... it's not right, is it? Yeah, it HAS to be a lie. What's going on? Whatever she's saying makes it look like I'm the bad guy.

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