Part 16

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There was no one in the hallways. I followed Theo as he walked over to the emergency door. After opening it, we both enter and close the door behind us.

"Well, that was easy," he says. His voice echoes through the hall.

"Shhh. Quiet " I say to him and he nods.

As we go upstairs, Alex comes close to me.

"I have this really bad feeling he's up to something. Be careful," he says in a concerned tone. Seeing him so concerned about me makes me feel kinda happy and warm.

"How do you plan to get past the guards. " Theo whispers on the final step.

I upon my bag and show him the drug.

He smirks "Yeah, this'll work "

Standing outside the door, I take out the drinks. They're just lukewarm now. I had them to Theo as I proceed to add the drug in them.

"Let's wait for few seconds and then you go in," he says.

"Ok. But then what if someone comes here while we're in the room. " I ask him.

"Seriously? That thought never occurred to you? But I think the bigger question is, how will you get all the kids out quickly " he asks back.

"I got that covered."

I take the beer cans from him and walk towards the door. Taking a deep breath, I open it.

The first thing I notice is the stench of cigarettes. On this floor, there's navy blue wallpaper along with the light blue carpeted floor. Unlike the other floors, this one is surprisingly...neat.

"What do you want?" a man says in a hoarse voice.

Looking to my right, I see two men sitting at the end of the hallway playing cards. Is the room over there?

"Oh, uh...we were drinking and Ben told me to get you guys some too." I say awkwardly.

"Oh great! I was getting thirsty anyways." one of them with a swollen eye says. Wonder whats the story there.

As I make my way over there my hands begin to shake. The closer I got to those two the more I realised how big they are. Keep your cool Lisa. Don't mess up!. Just hand them and go.

"Here you go. Sorry, it's not cold, got warm on the way here." I say.

They both take it and start drinking it. Great!

Suddenly I notice one of them with red hair look at me suspiciously "You seem off today. It's as if you completely forgot what happened this afternoon."


"Yeah well, you know, no point in holding on to the past." I laugh nervously.

They eye me with confusion and keep on taking sips of their beers.

"Well, whatever. You can get lost now," they say and continue with their game.

I can visibly see them slowly but surely getting tired and sleepy. But now I need to pretend like I'm going away.

I turn around and start walking towards the elevator.

Alex suddenly appears to my side which almost made me yell in shock.

"Keep walking. The drugs are kicking in, they're gonna fall asleep in no time," he says.

Where was he this whole time anyway?

As soon as I reach the elevator, I hear an audible thud sound from the hallway. Looking back I could see them both passed out on the floor with cards scattered across the floor along with the spilt drinks.

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