part 27

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A soft voice calls out to me, trying to wake me up from my slumber. I can hear it mumbling but not the rest.


It's saying my name. Who is it? Who's calling for me? And on that note...where am I? I can tell that I was asleep on the cold floor. Now, try to open your eyes.

"Lisa. Wake up"

I open my eyes slightly to see a blurry figure kneeling in front of me. It's a boy. He somehow looks...familiar.

"Oh good! You're finally awake. We were starting to get worried" He utters with a smile.

As my vision begins to clear up, I recognise him. I quickly sit up straight and look at him to double-check if it's really him.

"...Alex?" I say. My heartbeat quickens as he looks back at me and smiles warmly.

"Yup. Rise and shine."

I lean forward and embrace him tightly. My eyes start to get teary as my head rests on his shoulder. Alex hugs me back. He's here...he's not gone and for some reason, I can touch him now. That was all just a horrible nightmare.

"I'm...glad you're ok," I say as I pull away and wipe my tears.

looking around, I realise that we're in some kind of a snowy forest. The cold floor was in fact snow. As visible warm breath escapes my lips, I gaze at the dark leafless trees that surround us like a big semi-circle. The sky above is grey and cloudy without a hint of blue.

This place is nothing but depressing.

I also notice some other people present here with us. People that I recognise.

I see Zoe, the ghost we met on the highway, with her beautiful red hair shining in the white snowy background. She seems to be kneeling and playing in the snow with someone who I recognise, is Valerie. There's something different about her. Her dress isn't white with bloodstains on it but instead, it's lavender coloured. And she's smiling genuinely. I've never seen her look this happy.

I spot Oslo resting under one of the trees with his hat covering his face. The twins are seen silently making a tiny snowman. The sound of laughter draws my attention towards Mitch, gemma and Nathan who are playing chase.

"Oh, she woke up?" I hear a woman's voice and look to my left to see Edith coming towards me from behind the trees. It is then that everyone looks at us and starts coming towards me.

"Lisa!" I hear my father's voice and quickly turn right to face him. Mom and dad are both coming out of the forest too.

"Mom! Dad!" I quickly get up and run towards them. I hug them so tightly as if they'd disappear if I let them go while my heart fills with joy.

"It's...really you...I've missed you guys so much!" I cry out as they hug me back.

"We've missed you too sweetie," my mom says and kisses my forehead.

"Wait...what's going on? Where are we?" I say and let go of them. Now that I look at it, I'm wearing some kind of thick black dress. How odd. Meanwhile, everyone except Valerie are wearing the same clothes as before.

"Don't know exactly but it's too cold here. We were waiting for you to get up so we can go" Mitch answers and rubs his hands to warm up.

I look past the trees and realise that there isn't a way out. It's just a more dense forest filled with complete darkness.

"Go where exactly?" I ask them confusingly.

Zoe points up ahead and to my utter surprise, I see a huge wooden bridge over a flowing river. Was this here this whole time? I don't think I would've failed to notice such a thing.

The Ghost Whisperer Where stories live. Discover now