Part 22

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"Can you get up?" He asks me with concern.

"Don't know," I reply as I try to sit up while massaging my neck. It feels like it was on fire.

"The kids are on the second floor. Third room to the right. I left them in the care of this Valerie ghost I met."

Using my other foot, I stand up unsteadily while holding onto a nearby sofa. My foot is bruised purple.

"We need to get away quickly," Alex says as he breathes heavily. It must have taken quite a toll on him.

"I called the cops earlier. They will be here soon."

"Miss Lisa!" I hear a faint shout from the emergency stairs. The doors Suddenly open and the three kids enter holding a red flashlight that I had taken from the Kidnapper's base.

"We were so worried! The emergency door was shut so tightly, we couldn't open it." Alice says as they come towards me. I guess that was Valerie's doing. Good.

Upon seeing the lifeless body of Theo on the ground they all gasp and get nervous.

"That's the other guy who helped us! He was a bad guy too!?" Shawn cries, fearfully.

"It's ok. He's dead. Listen we need to get out of here. The men will be-" I say but a loud noise Suddenly cuts me off.


A shabby guy in a brown coat and curly hair enters the lobby straight through the walls indicating that he's a ghost. He goes quiet and stares at us, surprised, clearly not expecting people to be around.

"What were you saying?" Shawn askes confusingly.

"Oh, you can see I'm having trouble walking, could you please go look for something like a stick?" I grin with unease as I change the topic. The three of them comply and scatter throughout the lobby.

"Who are you?" I turn and ask the newcomer.

"This is Nathan. Met him while I was there. Nathan, this is Lisa, the ghost talker I told you about. Now let's get back to the main point. Look, Nathan is a wandering spirit, Like me. I told him to get any others like us to this exact spot. I have a plan. Is everyone here?" Alex asks the other ghost to which he nods his head.

Then, before my very eyes, several ghosts float inside the big room. The moonlight from the window illuminates them as they stand next to it. 5 or 6 of them I think. There's a shy looking girl with a ponytail, wearing glasses and hiding behind a gentle brown woman wearing a poncho. Identical stoic Twin boys holding hands as their eyes dart around the room. A man with a beard and a cowboy hat eyeing me suspiciously. The last one is a young boy in suspender pants sitting cross-legged while floating upside-down in the air.

"This is the human you told us about," the one in the hat says unamused.

"Yeah. I didn't know she was in such rough shape." Shrugs Nathan.

"It's unbelievable how a highschooler like her is trying to save a bunch of kids from some very dangerous people" the boy floating upside-down says sarcastically.

"So for starters, that boy is Mitch. Those twins are Andy and Randy. The woman in the poncho is Edith. Ponytail girl is Gemma and the cranky man's name is Oslo." Nathan explains one by one orderly.

"Listen. I know we don't even know each other well but please, you have to help us." Alex pleads as he walks up to them.

Is...that his plan? Getting all these ghosts to help us escape? I admit it's a good one but will they agree?

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