chapter 28

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dakota's p.o.v

kenzie and i walk back to my room after we finished our chat and our drinks. i open the door to the room, seeing aubrey sitting on her bed with her computer in her lap. she looks up from her computer at us, her mouth forming a smile.

"hey, everything go okay?" she asks us. i nod, setting my key down and laying right on my bed. i let my body relax, feeling like i could fall asleep already. it's only about five o'clock.

"can i go talk to lucy?" kenzie ask. my body jolts up, as i suddenly form feel tired anymore.

"no no, it's okay." i say looking at kenzie. she stands near the door, crossing her arms at me. she rolls her eyes.

"no, it's not. please?" she raises her eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"don't be mean." i say quietly, knowing deep down i can't stop her from talking to her. she will do as she wants no matter what.

"i won't." she smiles innocently, opening the door back up and heading out in the hallway. "but no promises." she smirks before she shuts the door and i'm guessing proceeds down the hallway. i groan, falling back down on my bed and covering my face with her hands.

"maybe she will talk some sense into lucy." i hear aubrey say. i look at her, seeing a gentle look on her face.

"ugh she's probably not even in her room. today in class she had a bunch of kids talking to her like she's all popular now. she's probably with them." i tell my roommate. she furrows her eyebrows, giving me a weird look.

"really? the kids obsession with the big partiers here is ridiculous." she shakes her head.

"agreed." i put my head down on my pillow, letting out a deep breath.

"hopefully she is there. because if she's not, kenzie will send a search party to find her before she leaves tonight." she chuckles. i can't help but groan again, knowing she's right. of course kenzie would do that.

kenzie's p.o.v

should i be mean?

no, she's been a great friend to me and girlfriend to dakota for a while now.

except when she lies, goes to a party and gets fucked up when she promised dakota she wouldn't.


okay, maybe i should be mean to get my point across.

i remember which door was lucy's as i stop right in front of it. i take a deep breath, bringing my hand up to knock delicately on the door. i wait a few seconds, watching the door open. lucy's roommate, jade. of course.

"is lucy here?" i ask her. she shakes her head, taking a look up and down at me. i furrow my eyebrows, ignoring it. "do you know when she'll be back?" i ask her.

"she just texted me saying she's coming up-" i don't let her finish, if she was going to go finish, as i walk away from her down towards the elevator. i hear the quiet sound of the elevator coming up. i don't move, i just cross my arms and stare at the elevator doors.

they open and i see lucy in the middle of two other girls. gorgeous girls. when she sees me, her eyes widen. she leans over to press a button on the elevator rapidly.

"the cafe sounds good, right girls?" she asks the two girls. they look at her confused as i roll my eyes.

"really?" i tilt my head. "lucy, we need to talk." i stand in the middle of the elevator doors, putting my hand against one of the side of the doors.

"who's this?" one of the girls ask. we both ignore her.

"i-i have my friends with me-"

"friends?" i chuckle, cutting her off. "ive never seen these girls in my life." i say to her, watching her face turn almost pale.

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