chapter 1

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dakota's p.o.v

"okay. one..two..three!" lucy and i tear open the envelops in our hands and open the folded sheet of paper faster than you can say,

"i got in!" i yell as my eyes scan over the word 'congratulations' with 'you have been accepted to boston university'. i see lucy's eyes dart from one side of the paper to the next. she lifts her arms in the air jumps up and down with a huge smile on her face.

"i got in too!" she tackles me, her arms swinging around my neck as she laughs adorably. i pick her up, the biggest smile i've ever made on my face. my girlfriend and i got accepted to our dream colleges.

"baby, we are going to boston." lucy says as she pulls her head away from me and looks into my eyes. i nod my head, putting her back on the ground but keeping her close with me with my arms around her torso. she giggles, pressing her lips to mine as i feel the crazy sparks fly between us.

"hey girls!" we hesitantly pull away and look towards the staircase. my mother comes down the stairs slowly, giving us a semi confused look.

"mother dear, you are looking at the new students of boston university." i keep an arm around lucy, indicating we both got in. my moms face turns into complete shock, happiness, and excitement.

"that's wonderful." she comes towards me with her arms open. i let go of lucy for a moment to give my mom a big hug. she rubs my back, going to give lucy a hug next. "i am insanely proud of you girls."

"thanks mom." i wipe my face as i feel it's still hot from the craziness that just went down when i opened that envelope.

"you're the sweetest debra." lucy blows my mom a kiss, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me closer to her. my mom shakes her head embarrassed.

"why don't you go tell your mom, lucy." my mom suggests. "i'm sure she will love the news." she smiles, walking towards the kitchen.

"great idea! dakota, want to join me?" my girlfriend turns her head to me with hopeful eyes. i just look at her for a moment and i swear.. i've never seen a more pretty human being.

"i should probably go tell kenzie." i tell her, almost forgetting about my best friend for a moment. lucy's face lights up as she nods, kissing my cheek.

"call me later." she winks as she grabs her small purse off the table, walking out of the door. she turns back after she walks out of the house, the screen door slamming shut. i wave, giving her a thumbs up right after.

so, i'm guessing you might have some questions.

basically, senior year flew by, as it usually does for everyone. we graduated, and i've got to say it was quite amusing since lucy, molly, and i all sat in the same row, close to each other. lucy and molly sat right next to each other and i thought molly would of exploded from lucy's glare the whole time.

lucy, kenzie, hunter, and i spent the whole summer together. kenzie and hunter became closer and closer and i couldn't be happier for my best friend. meanwhile, lucy and i have gotten some time to become closer and stronger, and i'm more than grateful for her.

nicole and nathan left us alone, we haven't heard from them in a while. molly is on her own, at least i think. not that i care or even pay attention to her.

now it's july..and i know, it's a bit late hearing from your college knowing if you got accepted or not. but that school is very popular and we got wait-listed for a bit. it was rare for this to happen but we move into college in a month and a half.

i walk outside and get into my car, driving over to kenzie's house. when u arrive, i fold up the paper i got from boston and hold it in my hand. i walk up to her front door, feeling my excitement. i see her car is here so i turn the doorknob and walk inside, taking off my shoes. i walk over to the living room and see her laying down, watching tv. when she notices me, she sits up and slams her hands on the couch.

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