chapter 12

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lucy's p.o.v

it was pretty quiet for the remaining of that night. after jade ended our conversation with her famous last words "lift isn't fair", it was silent. i worked more on school work and texted my mother. i also texted dakota, making sure her night was going okay.

now i knew as well as everyone else that something was making or made jade act the way she does. whether it was because of something like school or broken heart. i was right about it being a broken heart..but i never expected it to be from her own flesh and blood.

she didn't tell me a lot for me to know her whole story, but the fact that her twin sister was treated a million times better than her and she didn't want to come to this college for this life says a lot. you should let a kid live, especially when it comes to it being your own daughter.

i wasn't going to push jade into telling me anything else tonight. i could already tell she was becoming uncomfortable telling me that little part of her life story. i guess i'll just have to wait and see if more truth can come out from the cruel..maybe not so cruel girl.

as morning arrived, my phone alarm going off startled me as i reach over to hit it. i shut it off and unplug my phone, letting my eyes adjust to the screen. i see dakota texted me a minute ago seeing if i was awake.

i text her back and stretch my limbs, hearing some body parts crack. i stand up, going over to the closet and picking out an outfit for the day. i stay quiet, trying not to wake jade who is sleeping peacefully.

i go to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. i see another girl in the bathroom. she looks at me and smiles. i do the same back. i walk back into my room and shut the door behind me. at least people here are friendly for the most part.

i get changed quickly, brushing my hair and putting on light makeup. as i look in the mirror, i remember dakota telling me last year that i didn't need makeup. that i looked beautiful without it. i smile, seeing the blush isn't the only thing making my cheeks pink.

a heard a quiet knock on the door and i go to answer. i see the pretty girl standing in front of me, wearing a long t-shirt and leggings. she smiles at me.

"you look beautiful." she says, tracing my body with her eyes. she slowly brings those dark brown orbs down to my feet and back up to my face. "what else is new?" she licks her lips and giggles.

"you look gorgeous." i say back, watching her cheeks now turn pink. i swing my backpack around my shoulders and look back at jade. she's still sleeping.

"you're stunning always." she says making me roll my eyes. i grab my room key and walk out of my room, shoving it in my pocket. i close the door and grasp dakota's hand.

"i wish." i reply as we start walking down the hallway. i see her glance at me before we stop at the elevator and wait. "everything okay?" i ask her, squeezing her hand. she adjusts her backpack.

"yeah yeah just..can we talk later?" she asks, making my heart rate increase a little.

"definitely. is something wrong?" i ask worriedly. we all know how everyone feels after their significant other says that. i can't help but think the worst right now.

"everything perfect baby, i just want to tell you something." she says to me. i smile a little, nodding my head.

"sure, yeah." i agree. we make our way to class hand in hand the whole time.

you ever feel like everyone is watching you? it's very likely that they aren't but you just feel like everyone has their eyes on you and their talking about you? that's how i felt here for some reason. every time dakota and i walk to class, i notice glances at us. all the time. not necessarily mean ones but just glares. i don't know what to think of it.

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