chapter 15

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dakota's p.o.v

"no don't leave." i pout as my best friend puts her starbucks drink into the cup holder of her car. she sighs, closing the car door for a second and standing in front of me.

"i wish i didn't have to." she pouts back. she opens her arms, leaning towards me as we catch ourselves in a big hug.

we don't move for a few seconds. i rub her back gently with my arms, closing my eyes comfortably. i wish she could stay forever. i wish we could be living our college life together like lucy and i are. it's so fun with her.

"you're not leaving each other for eternity." lucy's voice snaps kenzie and i out of our hug. we all laugh but then i pout at my best friend.

"stop!" she whines and shoves my away from her. i keep my bottom lip hanging, a sad look in my eyes. "we will see each other soon." she assures me, giving me a smile.

"definitely. who couldn't live without the famous kenzie?" lucy asks sarcastically as she goes in for a hug. kenzie chuckles as she hugs the girl back.

"nobody." i shake my head. i see kenzie put her arm on the open door of her car and look back at lucy and i. i get closer to lucy, wrapping my arm around her back.

"text me, call me. whatever. you two be good, no more stupid fighting." she says pointing at us with an evil eye. lucy and i both nod, agreeing.

kenzie waves before getting into her car. i wave back,  watching sadly as my best friend puts her car in and drive and makes her way across the parking lot. i sigh, feeling lucy grab my face gently.

"you'll see her soon baby." she gives me a cute smile and kisses me softly. i hold onto her waist, smiling into the kiss as i find it impossible to pout when i'm kissing her.

"i know." i say quietly. "let's go back inside." i say, grasping into her hand. she nods and we walk side by side back into the building.

now don't get wrong, it was a nice day out today. but when i felt the cozy feeling of the building when we walked in, all i wanted to do was cuddle.

i hoped all the way upstairs that aubrey wasn't in the room. that she was anywhere but in that small room.

we made it to my room as i pulled out my key to unlock it. we didn't stop at lucy's room because i just kept walking, forcing her to follow by the grip i had on her hand. i open the door, seeing no one in site, i smile, shutting the door behind me.

i turn around and wrap my arms around lucy's neck. i walk backwards bringing her with me as she wraps her delicate arms around my waist. we fall back on the bed and laugh a little, seeing how neither of us were paying attention.

we lay our heads on the pillows, our arms still wrapped around each other as i dig my head into her chest. we lay there peacefully, and i feel my eyes become heavy.

that feeling of laying with that someone who you could never get sick of is the best feeling i've ever experienced. it's like they are protecting you with their arms. loving you through their willingness to relax and almost fall asleep. it may sound silly, but when you can lay with someone and forget all of your worries, it's a relief.

"baby?" i hear a soft whisper come from lucy, gaining my attention. i don't move, i just hum letting her know i'm listening. "i'm sorry i've been bugging you so much about the parties." she says. i lift my head slowly, meeting her face a few inches from mine. i crack a smile at her.

"don't worry." i tell her. "i understand where you're coming from." i place a soft kiss on her jaw as my head droops back down tiredly.

"that doesn't make it okay to give reasons why you should go. i respect whatever you want to do, we are in college now. i won't mention it again and i'll stay with you. i won't go anymore." she says gently, making me blush deep inside.

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