chapter 14

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kenzie's p.o.v

"shhh!" lucy shushes me as we walk down the hallway. i may or may not have been making squeaking noises because i'm so damn excited.

"sorry!" i whisper yell. i follow lucy down the hall and she eventually stops. she points at the door in front of her and i smile, taking her place in front of the door.

i knock twice, waiting a few moments. my heart starts beating out of my chest at a rapid speed once i hear the twisting of the door knob. the door swings open and a girl i've never seen before is standing there.

"hi, who are you?" the girl asks nicely. i hear lucy scoff behind me as i glance more into the room.

"my name is kenzie." i say sweetly. i hear a gasp from inside the room and i laugh quietly.

"i'm aubrey. i don't believe i know you." the girl in front me says confused. my jaw drops as i place my hands on my hips.

"dakota you bitch, how could you not tell your roommate about me?" i say louder. the girl, aubrey, can finally moves out of the way and i see my best friend standing beside her bed.

"kenzie!" she yells as she dashes towards me. i do the same and we collide, her jumping into my arms. she wraps her legs around my waist as i hold onto her, spinning us like we're a long distance couple who's never met.

but you can't blame me. not seeing your best friend for more than three weeks is horrible.

"dakota my bestie." i feel the wide smile take over my face as i chuckle. she sets her feet back on the ground but does not take her arms off of me.

"what are you doing here?" she pulls away, her face filled with shock and complete excitement.

"i wanted to visit because i had no classes today. i texted lucy." i tell her, going to wrap my arms around her again. she yelps as i spin us around once again, digging my head into her shoulder. "i missed you so much."

"cant go three weeks without me, huh?" she teases. i push her away from me and pout as a joke.

"fuck off, you missed me." i stick up the middle finger at her. she laughs, clutching her stomach as i scowl her. she looks at lucy.

"thank you for surprising me." dakota wraps her arms around her girlfriend and gives her a kiss. lucy giggles.

"excuse me, i'm the one who texted her." i say raising my hand. dakota waves a hand at me as she gives lucy another kiss.

"yeah yeah, hush." she glances to me. "i love you." she says quietly to the girl in front of her.

"you deserved this. i love you" lucy says smiling at her. i take the time to look at dakota's roommate who i learned her name was aubrey. dakota hasn't told me anything about her really.

"so kenzie, this is my roommate aubrey. aubrey, this is my best friend kenzie." dakota turns and introduced us, looking from her roommate to me.

"nice to meet you." aubrey says as she gives me a small wave. i smile, seeing as the girl seems super sweet.

"likewise. i'm jealous you get to live with my best friend. can we trade spots?" i grab the girl next to me, taking her away from lucy. i dig my knuckles into the top of her head as groans and tries to get away from me.

"i'd like to keep my spot as dakota's roommate. sorry." she laughs softly. i see dakota quickly look at lucy who i see is giving aubrey a death flare. i furrow my eyebrows as i look back at dakota. what the fuck is going on?

"just take good care of this beauty." i say. i feel a sharp sting on the back of my neck as i place my hand there to sooth it. "ouch!" i hiss at dakota. she widens her eyes, which if i know anything in this's that she's telling me to shut the hell up.

The Love Between Us (GXG)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα