Ruining Percebeth's day

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The rest of night was spent restlessly trying to get some sleep before the sun came up.

Eventually the  conclusion I came to, was that I should've asked Nico to stay in my room and sleep on the floor with the hell-hound.

That way, I could've at least been distracted by the loud snoring from the both of them. Instead, I sat lying awake all night thinking.
Strangely, I'm not really sure what's worse at the moment.
The fact that I tried killing my boyfriend, or that I broke his heart by lying that I didn't love him.

I could sense the romantic woe on him as the evil words spilled from me, but I was just so mad and hurt I just wanted him to feel the same that I had after he had told Piper that I was gone and never coming back.

Finally, the sun comes up indicating a new day has arrived.
I know what has to be done.
Annabeth, Thalia, Percy....They have to know that he's alive.


"Uh, Care....Don't take this the wrong way...But I recommend taking a shower first, or at least running a brush through that rats nest you're callin' hair." Nico yawns as he walks beside me.

His not-so-sunny attitude is probably due to being up and about before two in the afternoon.

"No one asked you, zombie-dude." I mutter groggily.

Nico rolls his eyes.
"Why do you have to gather us together? I mean, everyone's gonna figure out he's alive once they see his ass walking around without the mist. Why do you want to get people pissed at you?"
He sighs, before petting a hell-hound that's followed us.

I stop to stare at him curiously.
"Why would people be mad at me?"

He looks at me with raised brows.
"You don't think you're gonna have a few people pissed at you for not telling sooner?"

Truthfully, I hadn't even thought about that
. I mean, it's not like I've always known the guy was Luke Castellan...Really, I just found that information out a couple weeks ago..
But then again, I have known for a couple weeks now and have neglected to share this with anyone.
"I figure they'll just be surprised he's still alive." I shrug as we continue walking.

Nico sighs.
From the annoyance in it, I can tell he obviously thinks otherwise.

"Why are you even coming since you obviously don't want me doing this?" I ask as we make our way towards Percy and Annabeth who were eating at a table across the courtyard.

"Because...Someone's gonna have to defend ya when the verbal attack takes place." Nico snorts.

I trail off, wondering what he's referring to.

"Dude, meet us by Percy and Annie, bring Piper!" Nico shouts suddenly across the courtyard to a walking Jason.

Jason proceeds to look around until he spots Percy and Annabeth, and then proceeds to shoot Nico a thumbs up.

I spot Leo just leaving the Hephaestus dorm looking tired.
"Go get him." I sigh.

Nico nods before jogging off.
I'm about to stop at the table where Percy and Annabeth are, but I spot Clarisse, Chris, and Drew eating breakfast.

"Er..." I begin awkwardly, setting myself down across from Clarisse.

Drew looks to Clarisse and Drew.
"Did any of us give you the impression we wanted you over here....Because if we did, I'm actually sorry." She snarks, before taking a sip of orange juice.

I must still hold the same defeated expression I've felt on my face lately, because Clarisse's eyes narrow.
"What's wrong?"

"I need to get everyone  together...Meet me at Percy and Annabeth's table." I mutter to the stone table instead of looking at anyone for a reaction.

"Why?" Chris asks, looking puzzled.

"Important news to share." I reply quietly, leaving the three looking confused.

It took a while, but eventually Nico and I managed to convince everyone to follow the both of us back to our Hades dorm.
It's private, secluded, and was an easier place to deal with anyone possibly panicking once I revealed my news about Luke.

"Anyone else find this place creepy?" Piper complains while glancing around the room.

I guess I can see what she's talking about...
Besides the giant skull hanging over the entryway, the everlasting green-flame torches outside also gives it a creepy vibe.
But what possibly is making people uncomfortable,  is that the room we're all currently in has pitch-black walls with blood-red furniture.
The elegant lamps in the room are diamond studded and have zombie carvings crawling up them.

I had chose to live here instead of Cupids dorms for the isolation, but I might need to re-think it now that I realize how creepy this place looks.
Styx, my bed is pretty much a large coffin!

"Yeah, apparently someone thought the children of Hades were vampires instead of demi-gods." Nico snorts, plopping down on the sofa next to Leo.

"What's up Cupie?" Jason asks, as he wraps an arm over Piper's shoulders.

I notice this little move causes Drew to scowl..

"Yeah....And why are you dressed like Buffy?" Clarisse asks, scrutinizing me.
I totally forgot I didn't change out of my clothes from yesterday...Thinking about it, I think I actually laid in bed with my daggers in my pockets..

I take a deep breath.
"There's something really important I needed you all to hear before you found out on your own...It's about..."

Before I have the chance to say another word, Annabeth lets out an uncharacteristically girly squeal.
"Ahh I can't take it anymore....I wanted to wait until Grover and Thalia were around, but I need to get this out......I need to tell you guys!" Annabeth gushes, jumping out of Percy's grasp to show off her left hand.
I've never seen Annabeth act so incredibly girly...
I think from the looks everyone has on they're thinking the same thing....As we all take a closer look at her left hand, that's when we notice there's an absolutely beautiful small, diamond-aqua ring.
It's placed on her ring finger...

"NO WAY!!" I shout, instant excitement rushing through me as I grab her in a hug.

"YOU GUYS GOT ENGAGED!?!" Piper squeals, grabbing Annabeths hand for a closer look.

A chorus of congratulations and O-M-G's takeover the entire room.

Nico grins throwing a thumbs up, while Leo and Jason proceed to give Percy a hearty slap on the back.
I've noticed Clarisse has even cracked a smile..

Annabeth releases me from our hug, looking slightly guilty.
"I'm sorry for hijacking this serious moment...But this is the first time we've gotten everyone together since we got engaged..."

"....Which was last night..." Percy coughs.

"....And I have just wanted to scream it off the top of my lungs since I found out!" Annabeth gushes.

"...Which she did...." Percy grins.

"...I may have even shouted it all up and down the waterfront." Annabeth laughs.

"...Which she did as well..." Percy sighs.

Clarisse does a double-take. "Was this around midnight?"

Both Percy and Annabeth nod.

"That was you!?!"  Clarisse snorts. "Ha! I thought that was some kid who was comin' out saying they were gay!"
She shakes her head, amused with her own rude comment.

"...Anyway...." Jason begins, rolling his eyes.
"Guys that's awesome. Congrats man!"

After throwing Annabeth another congratulatory hug, it seems to be only then that she takes in my appearance.
"Uh.....Maybe I should've asked what was up first.." She trails off, looking slightly worried.

I probably look winced scary in my assassin attire mixed with the dark circles under my eyes.
How the styx do I reveal that Luke Castellan is alive and well after they just shared happy news like that??
"Uh...." I trail off, feeling suddenly awkward.

Piper perks up from where she stands.
"What's up Carys, how come we're all together?"

Think of a lie......
Think of a lie..

I sigh, not knowing what to say.
Eventually Luke will be walking around mist-free, and it'll be plenty obvious he's still alive.
Maybe I could just not say anything...
I take a deep breath, knowing that's not an option.

"I don't know how to really say this.." I start off, as everyone turns to look at me expectantly. Well this sucks.
How do I really start this off...
Hey guys! Remember that war we had last year? Well, the guy who sorta kick-started it is alive and well.
B-T-Dubs, I also wound up dating him for a long time before I planned on killing him yesterday...
But, congrats again on your engagement guys!

Sighing, I divert my gaze to the floor.
I should just hold-off until there's a better time..

"Oh for the love of Hades!" Nico exclaims dramatically.
He stands up looking around the room with a fierce determination on his face.
"Luke is alive! He sighs, throwing his hands in the air.
From the annoyed look he throws me, he's obviously peeved I was beating around the bush.
Can he really blame me for not wanting to drop a bomb on Percebath on the day they announced they're engaged?!

Daughter of Cupid (Luke Castellan fan fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin