Suck it up, buttercup

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I clench my teeth as I take in the view of my "grandfather" admiring my aunt and uncles pictures upon the wall.

His shoulder length thick black hair, combat boots, and sunglasses....Some people have those adorable old geezers that wear those cute little jumpers, wear slippers and read the paper....Mine?

Mine gives the appearance of a mean street thug in his late twenties.

"What do you want?"

I ask in a bored tone.

No need to beat around the bush. Gods just don't stop by to say hey.

Especially not one like Ares.

Ares smirks.

"Is that anyway to greet family, kid?"

He asks in his usual obnoxious tone, as he plops down on my aunt and uncles leather sofa. He sets his heavy boots cross legged on the table.

"I care as much about our family relation as you do." I answer honestly.

Cupid, aka Eros, is the lovechild of Ares and Aphrodite.

Which makes ole Ares and I, grandfather and granddaughter.

Ares merely snorts, ignoring my comment.

"We'll cut straight to the point. When's the last time you seen Cupid?"

I contemplate for a moment.

"On Valentines Day..."

"OH! Wait, no....That was the naked baby with an arrow that you see on hallmark cards." I snap my fingers in a false disappointed move. "Mah bad!"

I've never been one to know when I should shut up.

Before I knew it, Ares had me pinned against the wall opposite of the den. His large hands clasped tightly around my throat.

"You think you're funny, little girl?" He hisses through clenched teeth tightening his hold.

I struggle to take a gasp of air.

"If I didn't need you, I would snap your neck like a...."


A beautiful methodic voice seethes from behind Ares.

As soon as I'm dropped, I land with a thud. I immediately take in air.

It might've been too long since I've seen grandpa....I forgot he has a nasty temper..

Aphrodite, her beautiful radiant self stands behind Ares, glaring at him. Her face turns somewhat sympathetic seeing me lying on the floor.

I've only met Aphrodite one other time.

It was during a summer solstice 3 years previously. She had taken a liking to me over other children of Cupid's that were also there.

I'm not entirely sure why, though...

Aphrodite stands with her hands on her hips, shooting daggers at Ares.

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