Thalia's big brother

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"OH C'MON!!"
I sniff, scooping another handful of double cheddar popcorn out from the large bucket in front of me.
As I crunch loudly, a loud snore is heard from across the room.

"Wha...What's wrong!?" Nico yelps, bolting upwards from the couch.
 After falling asleep a couple hours earlier, his hair is completely disheveled, and it looks like he drooled a tad...

But I ignore this as I whip a pointed finger at the TV on the opposing wall.
"WHY does every Nicholas Sparks movie end with someone DYING!??!" I yelp, before tossing some more of the delicious orange popcorn into my awaiting mouth.

Nico gapes at me.

I sigh.
"That sweet cancer girl DIED.....Before that movie, the girls dad died....Then the old couple! There's like....Death in all of his movies!" I whine, slapping my forehead.

Nico stands to go look at his watch he had taken off, before coming back to stare at me.
"Care...What the hell. Stupid chick flicks are NOT reason enough to wake me from a nap." He grumbles, flopping onto the couch.

"You've been asleep for like three hours." I shrug, munching some more cheesy popcorny goodness.

"I don't sleep at night." He grumbles defensively.

"That's not my fault." I shrug, watching as the end credits begin to roll for the movie.

Nico finally seems to be waking up as he rubs his eyes.
"Uh....What is this?" He questions, motioning towards the sprawled mess on the table in front of me.

Magazines, a laptop, and movies galore are sprawled across the large coffee table. Mixed with it, is a variety of snacks I dragged out as well.
"I was bored." I shrug, before taking another bite of popcorn.
I inwardly slap myself for realizing I would have to thoroughly brush and floss my teeth after this deliciously diabolical snack.

"Oh, Gods.." Nico mutters, a look of pity dawning on him.


"You're...You're....Sulking!" He exclaims, his face looking as though he stumbled upon a gruesome scene in a horror movie.

I wave him off. "No I'm not...It was just too lousy of a day outside so I spent it watching movies."

He narrows his eyes, before standing up and walking towards the back door in the room. Opening it, bright rays of sunlight poor into the room, indicating it's late afternoon.
Being on a university that rarely sees a cloudy day, he just called my bluff.

I hiss like a cat jokingly at the sun-light, causing him to grin.

"Yeah, it looks Gods awful, for sure." He rolls his eyes before shutting the door.

"I wasn't in the mood for sunshine." I defend, shoveling another handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"You're moping about that stupid party where Castellan and the fish-boy were fighting." Nico yawns, before heading over to steal my popcorn.

"I am not...I'm..."
I pause, glancing down at myself to notice I'm still in my pajamas, watching chick flicks on a Saturday afternoon.
"Maybe I am just a little..." I admit, wincing.

"Ya think?" Nico deadpans, before heading back to the couch to pull out his homework.

"You do homework?" I ask in surprise.

He scowls. "Of course I do homework." He rolls his eyes.
Nico can be such a baby if you wake him up too early from his naps.
I say nothing to this, inwardly wondering why he even bothers considering he could probably not turn a thing in and still get decent grades.

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