A party and a new ability

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"Alright.....Well mayyyybee I'll see you tonight." I smile, as Asclepious looks at me apprehensively.

He says nothing, but nods.
As I walk away, I can't help but feel he was still watching me....The thought that he was, gave me goosebumps.
But as I made it back to the Hermes dorm and rummaged through my closet looking for another outfit to change into, it was a definite letdown.
My entire wardrobe included black jeans for the most part! I brought no cute clothes with me...
Ugh. For once I'm inspired to dress all girly, and I've got nothing to back it up.

Twenty minutes later, I'm banging on Annabeths dorm room.

"Have you ever heard of QUIETLY knocking?!" An annoyingly shrill voice calls from down the hall.
Ugh. The one daughter of Aphrodite who I could probably consider a nemesis of mine....Drew.
She and Clarisse were nothing but bitchy at camp half-blood. I don't assume they'll be any different since we're all in college.

"O-M-G....DREW? Wow, I've missed you!!" I coo with sarcasm.

Drew, scowls, but then looks perplexed.   "Really?"

"Bout' as much as I missed Clarisse." I nod solemnly. Little does the pinhead know, I'd miss Clarisse about as much as I'd miss a rattlesnake biting me.

Percy answers Annabeths door.

"What, do you live here?" I ask, running in.

"He still doesn't like Triton." Annabeth mutters, overlooking a book.

OH STYX! Triton....I totally forgot about meeting him the other day.....Whoops.
"I neeeeeed your help.....I got kicked out of the stupid firelight ceremony, so out of spite I'm inviting this guy to the party, but it's almost time for the party and I dont have clothes to wear!" I splutter out fast, bouncing from foot to foot.

Percy, frowns. "Carys, I don't know what sounds stranger.....That you got kicked out of a ceremony throwing candy into a fire, or that you're inviting someone to a dumb party out of spite."

"Hush-it squid face!"
I yelp, as Annabeth laughs.

She gets up, and heads to her closet. "I didn't exactly bring party-like clothes....The only one I brought was a dress I was planning on wearing to....Something." Annabeth cuts off, her cheeks going red.

Percy, bless him, is in his own little world to even register that we're speaking girl talk.
"Er....Why wouldn't you just go to the Aphrodite people if you want clothes?"

I slap my forehead.
"You brilliant little crab face!" I shriek, jumping up.
"C'mon!" I grab Annabeth's arm and drag her with me.
Ten minutes later, the three of us are inside the Aphrodite dorm, looking for Clover.
"Ugh....Remind me again why you dragged me along?" Percy whines behind us as we make it to Clovers room.

"Because I'm your girlfriend, and that means you have to do whatever stupid thing I make you do, Seaweed brain." Annabeth grins, throwing me a wink.

Percy's sort of unlucky being Poseidon's son....I mean sure, he's got some kick-ass water powers, but on the downside he's got a lot of unfortunate nicknames to go with it.
As Percy grumbles behind us, Clover answers the door, wearing a shocking pink shirt with a black skirt, and 3-inch high heels.

"We need your help." Annabeth explains, pushing me into the frilly pink monstrosity that I'm guessing is considered Clover's room.

"You didn't bring ANY sexy clothes!?" Clover asks, her face radiating horror as I explain my conundrum.
"I didn't think I'd need them..." I shrug.

This, doesn't make Clover and happier. "DIDN'T!?...Wha....It's college! College, women! How do you..."
She shakes her head. "You know what, nevermind. I'll get some backup..."

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