Apollo's Prophecy. Luke's POV

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I've encountered more dangerous situations than some people experience in a life time.
I've fought monsters, I've fought with monsters. I lost my mother to insanity, I grew up having a father who didn't give a damn. I've had a hand in getting others killed, and I've had a titan possess me.

Hell, I've even died.

But truly, nothing frightens me more than a woman's mind.
When something's bothering a girl why not just come out and say it? As Carys went upstairs to go to sleep, I could tell something was bothering her.

I'm fine.
The dreaded word that every man knows not to be true. Because it's never true. No one is ever just fine.
Especially not a girl. Those words never go hand in hand with actual meaning when it comes to them.

It was also the speed of which Carys threw it out that was the tell-tale sign that she was hiding what she was feeling from me.  The damn wording I'm fine is directly proportional to the severity of the shit storm that's about to take place. Nothing ever good happens when a woman ends a discussion with I'm fine.

Maybe I made her uncomfortable this morning when we were kissing..... But it's not like I was pushing for us to go farther.....I was actually the one who pulled away last night and today!

But what if she only went that far because she thought that's what I wanted...........I groan, burying my head under my pillow. I'm gonna drive myself crazy if I keep over-thinking this.


I wasn't wrong. The rest of the night I either wondered what I did wrong, or I fell asleep and then had a dream I did something wrong. Knowing I had to question her on this before the day started, I went to her room first thing in the morning.

She wasn't in her bed, though. Noticing that her backpack is missing, I assume she must've headed off to her classes.

I sigh, realizing she must be having second thoughts about us getting back together if she didn't say anything this morning before she left.  ..................Or...Maybe she just got up early and left. That was possible.

As I grab my own backpack to head out for my own class in twenty minutes, I come across a couple hunters of Artemis as soon as I open the door. They're currently stretching, looking either incredibly uncomfortable or just down right mad. I guess I would be too if I slept on the hard ground all night...

"Carys gave you guys permission to sleep inside." I shrug, wondering why they would rather sleep on the hard ground then in a bed.

The way the girls turn to look at me, it's as if I personally insulted each of them. As their lips curl up at me in dusgust, it makes me grin.
I gotta admit, I really enjoy how much I seem to annoy the hunters in general. I don't know what's pissing them off more. The fact that I'm a male, or that I'm Luke Castellan, former traitor.

Judging from the death glares the three of them are throwing me, it's debatable which reason's pissing them off.

"We will not sleep in a house of Hades, traitor." A muscled girl with light brown hair growls at me.

A low snarl is heard from the left of me, where a hell-hound is giving the hunter a slight growl of its own.
"Aw easy boy." I respond cooly, giving the ugly mutt a pat on the head. "Her bark is worse than her bite." I respond with a smirk, as the girl purses her lips with a glare.

The ugly beasts seem to have become more defensive towards me since they've realized Carys wants me around. As I begin my trip to my class, I notice I'm still being followed by the trio of hunters. Glancing at the small group, none of them look to be thrilled over following me.

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