Comic Con

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                   This is ridiculous I thought as I waited in line with Tiffani and Megan to enter the San Diego Comic Con Convention. I have been back on U.S. soil for a month and instead of eating apple pie somewhere in peace Tiff convinced her husband to buy the three of us Comic Con passes with the VIP treatment. This is ridiculous. Not only that but these two somehow strong armed me into wearing a damn Wonder Woman outfit but, at least they let me wear Nike pros underneath. The only thing keeping me calm is my Starbucks and knowing as soon as we get inside I'm going to start embarrassing the shit out of these two. I have to admit though Tiff does look good as Super Girl and Megan doesn't seem to mind being Captain Marvel. Oh, thank god they opened the doors. I looked at my two best friends and said, "So why won't you tell me who all is supposed to be at the panel today? I am assuming it will be either DC actors or Marvel since we are dressed up as those characters." Tiff and Megs just smiled, wrapped their arms around mine and walked into the building saying, "it's a surprise." I sighed but went along with it. I might give them a hard time but they really are my best friends and I would do anything for them. Even if that means dressing up as Wonder Woman and flying out to San Diego for a nerd convention a month after being back from Afghanistan. I mean I do owe Tiff I literally just made it to her wedding. Seriously, I had to run and I barely managed to make it on time. Thank god she was wearing waterproof makeup because that girl was crying so damn hard when she saw me that she didn't even mind that I showed up gross and in uniform.

             I looked around and it was pretty cool to see everyone dressed up, I mean some of these people really go all out. Next thing I know Megs, Tiff, and I are just walking around looking at everything and waiting for the panel to start at 10am. Yeah, I know I am on vacation and still up early, the shit I do for these two. We walked by a Captain America booth and Tiff and I convinced Megs to buy a Captain America shield. It was made out of real metal and pretty sturdy. We then passed an Asgard booth and Tiff bought a replica of Thor's hammer and I bought a little Loki doll. It was finally time to go to the panel and as soon as we went inside Tiff and Megs noticed that I was tense. I hated having my back to an open area. Blame it on my father's training or the Marine Corps; it didn't matter I just hated it.

Tiff said, "(n/n) relax we picked really good seats you should be excited for your surprise" and Megs said, "yeah (n/n) nothing will happen just relax and have fun." I just shook my head, smiled and said, "sure." We were three rows from the front, so close but not too close. Everyone was so excited and loud I totally should have brought Tylenol because this noise is giving me a headache. Hmmm maybe Megs has some in her purse. Before I could ask the speaker said they were ready to announce the panel and everyone got so quiet. They announced the panel as Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, and last but not least Tom Hiddleston. The announcer had just got done announcing the panel when I heard his name. The tingles that shot down my spine as his icy blue eyes swept across the crowd could have kept me warm as his eyes froze me in place. It was delusional at best to believe that the split second our eyes made contact had even registered to him, I was probably just another face in a crowd full of fans. And yet, for that split second that brown met blue my fingers went numb around the Loki doll still clutched in my hand from when I purchased it. "Okay," I said, turning to Megs and Tiff their eyes holding the anticipation of my reaction, "Y'all are definitely my favorites." I admitted a wide smile starting to spread on my face. "Surprise!" They screamed together crushing me in a hug between them. I rolled my eyes and groaned as they squeezed tighter, but smiled anyways because even though I hated being touched I didn't always mind it from these two. "Also, we already knew we were your favorites," Tiff laughed. "True, we know it's not anyone else," Megs added, all of us laughing together.

A/N Okay this is the first part. We are just getting started. Hope you enjoyed this small taste of what's to come.


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