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          I woke up in a hospital room groggy and with a sandpaper mouth. I kept my eyes closed as I heard chattering from the side of the room. I cracked my eyes open and saw Tiff and Megs in the corner of the room whispering or in Tiff's case attempting to anyways. "What happened?" I groaned, reaching my hand up to rub away the budding migraine I was developing. "Oh my god you're awake," Tiff shouted immediately jumping from the polyester chair in front of the window and launching herself into my arms causing another groan this time in pain.

         "God ease up would ya," Megs called from behind her rolling her eyes at the blonde's dramatics. "You blacked out when you saw Hiddleston's face," Megs informed me, causing a flush of embarrassment to race through my body. I caught Megs eyes and before I could speak, she started back up, "Don't worry I told them it was from a loss of blood." She explained. "Oh, thank god," I sighed causing my two best friends to burst out laughing. "That's also what she told Tom as he lifted you onto the stretcher," Tiff explained shaking her eyebrows at me suggestively and laughing as I swatted at her. "At least the humiliation is over," I admitted ready to move on from those ice blue eyes that seemed to haunt my waking and non-waking consciousness.

           "Well," they said together, catching each other's eyes and smirking, "He's kind of here." "Kind of what?" I asked sitting straight up as images of frozen pools of water flashed in my vision followed by the sweet lyrical sound of his voice invading my ears. "Oh, hell no get me out of here!" I exclaimed, throwing my feet off the side of the bed. "(N/n) will you chill," Tiff hollered getting in my way. "A doctor has to release you!" She exclaimed, "Plus Tom would like to say thank you for saving his life." "Ah yes. Hero worship." I muttered. "No thanks." I said my tone dripped with disdain. "It's polite (n/n)." Megs admitted. "Which I'm not Megs. So, let's just get out of here before I'm even more embarrassed." "Sure, whatever you say" Tiff muttered as a doctor around twice our age walked in.

                "It's good to see you're awake Ms. (l/n)," He said. "I'm Doctor Jones, I was the ER doctor assigned your case when you came in." He informed me as he started taking my vitals. "You lost some blood from the puncture wound but nothing serious nor will you need to stay for any observations so if you don't have any questions for me, I can sign your discharge paperwork and you can be on your way." He told me. "Nope no questions." I confirmed as he pulled a table in front of him and made a few notes. "Thank you, Dr. Jones," I called as he was exiting." "No problem. Get dressed and your discharge notes will be at the nurses station." He informed me, waving goodbye as he was called to another patient.

            "Please tell me y'all brought a change of clothes for me?" I pleaded, dreaming of nothing more than a warm slice of apple pie. "Wasn't that hard (n/n) the suitcases were in the car." Megs said, tossing me a pair of Nikes and an old USC t-shirt. "You know me so well," I snarked laughing at the two. "Well, we better after putting up with you this long," Tiff laughed. "Okay time to go," I told them as I slipped my t-shirt on and stuffed the other outfit into a bag. As I closed the bag a whiff of teakwood and vanilla passed through the air reminding me why I was in a hurry. "You should really wait on Tom (n/n)," Tiff to her credit tried to coerce me. "That's really not happening." I admitted leading the way out of the hospital. "I got your papers." Megs said, catching up to us. "Perfect now where can I get some pie?" I asked getting into our car just in time to catch the glance of two blue spheres like melting ice before we drove off.

            The whirring of traffic was soothing as my cheek rested upon the cool glass of Megs truck, heaven knows she wasn't going to let Tiff drive. I sighed as the coolness of the glass soothed the raging headache that was beginning to take over my senses. And yet every time I closed my eyes the chill seeping into my skin whisked itself into the form of a set of piercing eyes watching me as I was driven off. I relaxed as I tried to wipe my mind blank of a man I'd probably never see again. It was ridiculous really, he is a celebrity and I'm just someone who flashed through his life. As the traffic sounds evened out my breathing the scene turned black and all of a sudden my senses were filled with the more and more familiar smell of teakwood and vanilla. "Don't worry," a voice whispered, cooing in my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Who is that?" I shouted into the abyss. "I've got you," It whispered back with a warmness that smothered the anxiety. "Who are you?" I asked again. "I'm with you." It whispered back and with it came the ghost feeling of fingers as they brushed across my temple. "I won't leave your side I promise," it whispered as these icy eyes stared into mine.

A/N It's slowly coming along. Feedback is appreciated!


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