Best Day Ever

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Tom just kissed the hell out of me. That's all I can think as we stare at each other breathing heavily. One of his arms is still wrapped around my waist while one of his hands is gripping the hair on the back of my head. I can't seem to move except for softly brushing my thumbs on his neck where my arms are wrapped around him. I'm still staring into those beautiful icy blue eyes when he breaks the silence. "I've been wanting to do that for a while and let me tell you that was so much better than what I could have ever imagined." I can only shake my head in surprise and move a few steps back to create space between us so I can think clearly. I look at the ground as I respond to him.

"Why would you ever want to kiss me. Honestly this is all crazy I mean what is even going on. I'm your head of security, I'm supposed to be protecting you not doing whatever this is." I say gesturing between the two of us. Then I started to really panic once I fully realized what just happened. "Oh my gosh I'm such a cliche I seriously fell for my boss what the hell. Tiff's stupid romance novels must be rubbing off on my life. This can't be happening... oh my gosh what am I going to do? I did the one thing I told myself I wouldn't do." I groan running my hands through my hair.

"(Y/n)!" Tom says my name loudly getting my attention. He puts his hands on my arms, "Relax. What's happening between us was inevitable; we are going to see where this leads us. As long as you are comfortable with that. We can be private about our relationship or public; it's all dependent on you. You run this show, you're in charge, we do this your way. Besides if you think you're a cliche what about me? I fell for my young, beautiful employee if that's not a cliche I don't know what is." He says chuckling lightly. I take a deep breath and smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Can we just be private for now. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed. I just, I like my privacy and want to enjoy us getting to know each other more in a romantic aspect before we throw ourselves to the wolves by going public."

"Of course. I was serious about you being in charge. I want you to be comfortable and happy, so private relationship it is." He says with a big smile. I can't help but kiss him softly on the lips however, before we get too carried away I pull back. "You have your last interview in New York tomorrow before we fly out to Los Angeles for the premiere. We need to go to sleep so we are well rested. Thank you again for tonight and I'll see you in the morning." I turn to leave but he pulls me to him and gives me another passionate kiss. "Goodnight (Y/n) I'll see you in the morning." I just smile and then finally leave to go to my room.

I close my door and lean my back against it. I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face and the little squeal that leaves my lips. Tonight was not just only one of the best nights of my life but the most fun and romantic as well. I can't wait to see where this newfound relationship will lead us but I have a gut feeling it's going to be special. I call Megs and Tiff telling them everything and they both keep screaming I told you so and how happy they are for me. We hang up after I tell them I'll call them once we are in Los Angeles. I then change and go to sleep with a smile on my face and hope for tomorrow.

I wake up to my alarm and take a quick shower and change to one of my signature tailored black suits and go out to the living room where Lopez is waiting with a mischievous look on his face. "Sooo how was your date?" "It went really well and that's all you're getting from me." I tell him as I make myself a cup of coffee. "You mean I've been waiting for months to see when you two would finally realize you have feelings for each other and go for it and now that it's finally happened you won't even tell me any details?" I can't help but chuckle at how incredulous his tone is. It's like he's seriously offended by me not telling him. "Seriously Lopez you're such a drama queen." "No, I'm just interested to see how my real live soap opera plays out." I just roll my eyes as I drink my coffee.

"Sorry Lopez we don't kiss and tell." Tom says while walking up to us and winking at me. I groan as Lopez starts freaking out, "Marla owes me $50 I knew you two would kiss last night there's no way you wouldn't have! I can't wait to tell Johnson he's going to flip his wig when we see him in Los Angeles." Tom just laughs as I hand him a cup of earl grey tea, "Good morning and you did that on purpose. Now he will never be quiet about us." He kisses my cheek and takes the proffered tea. "Why do you always make me a cup of earl grey tea before every interview?" "I know it's your favorite and all these places only offer you coffee while you do your interview so I figured why not." I shrug a little embarrassed. He puts one of his fingers under my chin and forces me to look him in the eyes. "Thank you it means the world to me that you take the time to do such a thoughtful thing for me." Then he kisses me on the lips. I can't help but smile when we are interrupted by Lopez. "As much as I don't want to ruin such a sweet moment we really need to go if we don't want to be late." Tom and I pull apart and then the three of us head to the town car and go to Tom's last interview

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