A Decision is Made

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I looked into Tom's hopeful blue eyes and I couldn't say no. My dad always told me something worth having was never easy and if I do go as his date to the premiere it definitely won't be easy. I can just picture all the paparazzi and fan fare now. But I guess it all comes down to is Tom and this relationship starting between us worth it? He's proven time and again he cares about me, I mean between the small things he does for me and the fact that he openly admitted he's in a committed relationship but wants everyone to respect our  privacy at his interview today proves it. I guess I've made my decision. I put my hand on his cheek and smile. "I would love to go to the movie premiere with you as your date."

The biggest smile I have ever seen graces his face before he kisses me. After a few intense moments he slowly pulls away "I can not wait to show you off. I am a very lucky man." I give him a gentle kiss "no I'm the lucky one. Well, I need to call my parents and let them know about us. I don't want them to find out from anyone else. But I can do that after our movie."

The next morning we are all getting ready to head out to Tom's rental in Los Angeles for the Premiere. I talked to my parents last night and they are happy as long as I'm happy. They just want to meet Tom before we head back to England. I'm double checking over everything so that we can head out to the private jet when Lopez comes looking agitated.

"Spill it Lopez. What's causing the wrinkles on your forehead? Did you and Fredrico fight last night?"

"No, we didn't fight. We are actually planning a cruise once we are back in England. But that's besides the point. I just got a call and you're not going to like it."

I let out a sigh and then give him my full attention. "What is it?"

"The San Diego Police just called. Due to a technicality they had to let that bastard go."

"Are you serious? Don't answer that I know you are. UGHHH. Alright this is what we are going to do. First, make sure we tighten security for Tom. No one gets near him with a ten foot pole without us knowing. Secondly, keep tabs on what's going on if a detective on the case so much as sneezes I want to be notified. Thirdly, don't tell Tom. I don't want him stressed out about this. He needs to enjoy his premiere not be worried about some psycho because people couldn't do their job."

"Sure boss I'm on it. I'll start tightening up security and check in with the lead detective on the case and the district attorney." Lopez then leaves and I just close my eyes and take a deep breath. So much for a relaxing premiere I think to myself.

"(Y/n)! Great news I just got off the phone with Chris Hemsworth. Him and his wife are going to throw a costume party as a fun way to celebrate the release of Thor: Ragnarok. It's going to be the night before we leave for your parents. What should we go as? Darling? Are you alright?" He comes up to me and cups my cheek. I feel myself smile at his tenderness. He really is amazing.

"I'm fine babe. Just stressed with security since I won't be doing it during the premiere." I feel bad lying to him but it's for the best. I want him to be happy and enjoy his premiere. He deserves it after these past few months.
He kisses me softly, "Don't worry you know we can trust Lopez. We will have fun and everything will be fine I promise."

"Of course. Well if you're ready we are all set to go to the tarmac and fly to L.A. Also, we should do something with zombies. After watching Fear the Walking Dead with you lately I'm feeling the zombie vibe." He puts his hand on my hip and leads me to the town car.

"Zombies?" He chuckles.

"Hey! I always thought it would be fun to dress up as a zombie cheerleader." I playfully smack his chest.

"Ah now you have my attention darling. A zombie cheerleader you say?" He smiles at me and then presses the partition to separate the front of the car from the back for privacy.

I giggle and decide to play along, "Oh definitely I think I still have my cheerleader outfit from high school."

"You were a cheerleader in high school?" He asks, shocked.

"I wasn't the peppiest or friendliest but I could do the most back handsprings. So don't seem so shocked." I stick my tongue out at him.

He grips the back of my head, "Darling we have got to find that cheerleading outfit."

Before I can reply he pulls me in and kisses me. I move to straddle his lap and deepen the kiss when the little intercom in the back interrupts us letting us know we made it to the tarmac.

I groan and press the button while Tom starts nibbling on my neck and earlobe. "Yeah Lopez."

"We are here boss. Plane is ready to leave as soon as we board."

"Perfect thanks." As soon as I turn off the intercom I pout at Tom. He chuckles, "Don't worry Darling we have tonight to ourselves." I just roll my eyes and kiss him one more time before we get out of the car and head to the plane for L.A.

An Unlikely Desire (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now