Chapter 22: The Lies We Tell

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The windows were frosted as the heavy layer of ice covered the entire mansion. The snowflakes from the snow were as white as angels from the sky. A dark-haired man looked out of the study windows as his golden cat-like eyes flickered as he said: 

"...why is there no news of him for the past few days?" 

"L-Lord Fiedricis... Captain Cassian did mention he was on an important mission he could not miss." A servant bowed down and hesitating said.

"An important mission than mine..? That's... interesting." The dark-haired man said. "Did anyone investigate the other man, that I ordered you to find?" 

"Yes, sir! We have a full report of him;" The servant said. 

"Speak." The man said, his flickering golden cat-like eyes gleamed familiarly. 

"Aven Maxwell- m-might be your grace's lost brother. He works as a Whitechapel Minister and also lives in Leiden. Locals of nearby villages know him as a genius orphan." 

"Perfect. Then proceed to lead Units 3 and 4 to the City Center. We must prepare for war."

"Lord Fiedricis, what a-about that lady with divinity powers? M-miss P-primrose was it?" 

"Let her be. I wonder how long she wants to trick us as the Church's spy." 


"Anywhere but here... I can't leave my man to a hypocrite and uncertain lying bastard like you." Indie sarcastically said. "Since none of us can afford the bills~ might as well take him somewhere else. Like my Uncle Cardinal." 

"Hah-? Do you think you can save this young man? He can only die or live due to God's judgment." 

'What? Do they think I'm a fool!? I am a Church member who is to-be a Bishop in the future, and I know all of their tricks to get money from uneducated people. So why are they trying to fool me?' 

"..." Indie gritted her teeth, this world was foul. God this-! God that-! Did God even exist?! Is the Author god? If the author was the god, then Reaper should live, right? The story can't move on without Reaper's assistance. 

'It should be fine until he wakes up on his own or dies. If he really does die- my neck is on the line by the Male lead's oppressive forces and his henchmen of assassins.' 

'Wait. Once he wakes up, won't he be angry and think I poisoned him..? Shit.' Indie wanted to cry. Her neck was on the line either way.

"Fine-! If it's only God who can choose, then why bother coming here in the first place, it's not like you'll have any magic powers to heal him or anything." Indie said as she walked out of the infirmary. 

"Wait- about the man-!" The Church healer called after her.

"If he lives, he lives. If he dies- do bury him." Indie fearlessly called out. 

"But why keep him the infirmary-!! You have to pay the fee for keep-" 

"The infirmary isn't yours but the Church's. I am part of the Church. So it should be fine." Indie said walking away. 'In other words- I don't have the money-!' 


"Yeah- the world is going to be full of them." Indie waved away. 

"I'll throw the man out if you don't retrieve him! Y-you, hear me?! You can't keep him in the inf-" As soon as the Church Healer started howling Reaper's henchmen took out their swords and pointed their tips at the Healer and said: "Do not sully our Leader" 

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