Chapter 3: Rejecting Fate

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"This is too much!" Indie cries while sitting on top of the toilet seat. She doesn't know anything! There are no clues! Everything is encrypted, the messages are vague, and she doesn't know who to trust! 

She can't go to sleep knowing that tomorrow morning when she wakes up, she will die. Besides she hasn't taken any legal actions yet! Her fate is to die! She was just a mere background character who doesn't know exactly how she will die. 

The novel series had three volumes. Only one volume was released. That means there would TWO MORE! For Indie Grey Solstice to be mentioned on the prologue... UGH! Her mind was growing dizzy. 

There was a note on top of the table saying it was her ally. Named Jacob. But the date was mentioned tomorrow. And to be meeting secretively... it could be bad. 

But since there were two messages in one letter... meant that... 

1) If the murderer had sent that message he should have sent the one in which Indie's Father had sent. So... he should have also sent a fraud message from her father. 

And she doesn't really know if this Father exists or not.

2) And if Reaper didn't send the message... that could also be a possibility. And the father figure did exist. And Jacob was someone who seemed like a client or an ally. 

So the question was: Should she go? Or not? Was this a threat? 

She went through the note again:

 <Mission Object: Red Holy Diamond

Location: Green House Plaza Square.

Meet me there at Tomorrow at 9 p.m.

From Jason >

She considered it for a moment. Actually there was no reason for her to go anyway. Even if she didn't know that the person who sent this note was fraud- Indie's original plan was to stay away from this overdramtic fate. 

She didn't care for this Jason person. 

So if she ignored this... maybe she could avoid one of the death flags? Fate was like dominos, if Indie knocked one domino down, the others would follow naturally. But if she didn't knock or trigger it down- there would no effect occurring. 

So in conclusion: She shouldn't simply care! She should ignore it! 

Then that meant that she could also overthrow her fate of dying. She should just lock herself away until this War ended like as if she was a side-character and then she would secretly live on without Reaper or any of the Main Lead's knowledge! 

But how long can she disclose her identity and hide in this small apartment? Days? No problem. Weeks? Months? Years? That's too many! She needed to buy food, talk to a human being to remain sane, and do so many other things! 

"How pathetic!" Indie cried as she rolled out toilet paper and blew her nose. She needed to buy more tomorrow. And who knew...

Her death could be met in her search of toilet paper. Maybe she would cry a fountain and wipe her tears with the toilet paper she brought first and then die in the hands of her murderer. That won't be too bad. 

(A/N: Because there won't be any tears left to cry in heaven anyway. LOL.)

She chugged down more cold water and ate more sweets the Martha Lady cooked for her downstairs. It was good. It could keep her mind in ease. 

As she reached for more cookies in the basket, she saw a small note written inside the basket. 

'Sigh... don't tell me that this Martha woman is a domino trigger too...' 

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