Chapter 14: An Invalid Prophecy (1)

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Indie frowned at his question. W-was there even an answer?! She will have to become a priest? Indie didn't understand anymore. She just stared at Jason's hand blankly; 



'I can't believe it! I am going to become a Priest?!'  A sore image came on her mind. A woman with white clothes that looked like a nun, staying in a secluded Church, single, innocent, and pure; 

'Gah! I am willing to be anything but that!' 


"???" Jason gave her a weird look, but Indie paid him no mind. She didn't know anything, but she did know that Jason knew that something was up with her. 'I have to be wary of him– and take extreme precautions, I cannot let him know that I am working with Reaper that is.' 

Indie doubted that she was even an option for Reaper. Was she was probably a weak and useless pawn to use. Reaper didn't even know Indie that well except for the night's encounter. 

'In other words– I am F*cked. I need someone to put my trust and investment in. Reaper is a fast killer though he's not a thinker like the Male lead. Damn it who the hell do I trust? Original Indie was friends with the Cardinal's nephew.'

"Jason do you know~? About this?" Indie pulled out and showed him the scar. Indie contemplated whether Jason knew about the 'curse' of the scar that Indie's brother mentioned. If the scar was the reason why Indie was working for the Church– how many people close to Indie's circle know? 

Jason titled his head: "Isn't that the scar you got when we were being attacked at seven? I can't remember– but I think you showed me the scar before that too." 

'So does he know or not? He's harder to read. If he doesn't know that gives me another reason to actually fake my loyalty to the Church in front of him.' 

Original Indie's brother explained the fact that Indie's scar fact is some sort of curse, and the only way to undo it is to work in the Church. No wonder why Indie worked as a Spy in a lonesome village when she could have stayed in a palace like a real noble. 

"...Well don't you know? My scar is the reason why I can't get married. This deep wound is proof that I am a disgraced woman in the Nobility." Indie lied. She remembered how in historic times that scars were a woman's enemy to marriage. "That is why I have no other choice but to prove my loyalty to the church. They were the only ones who accepted me despite being a disgrace." 

"..." Jason watched her blankly; then he nodded along. 

Indie cried inwardly, how can she be such a talented actor?! If she had only this much courage to fight against Reaper!!! She could have easily fooled him!  

"I... swear in my name and my existence that I will stay forever loyal to the Church regardless of how many swords stab right at me." 

Silence filled the room. 

"*Knock* *Knock* Is Lady Priestess Indie inside?" A voice filled the void in the room. "Lady Priestess Indie, the 1st Cardinal is looking for you," 

'The first Cardinal? Is it Jason's Uncle? Is this my next mission? Yes!! I finally get to head back!' 

"Oh, yes, I am coming– I shall be leaving then, Mr. Bishop Hessen," Indie said barely remembering Jason's last name, and left the room. 



"Welcome Lady Indie Grey Solstice," a deep ominous voice called. Indie felt the goosebumps in her body rise as she inwardly yelled: 'It the big boss villain!'  The temperature around her turned cold, the aura of the person who was emitting such pressure told her that the villain couldn't be underestimated. 

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