Chapter 9: One More Day

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There was only silence heard between the two parties. Seeing that Indie wasn't cooperating at all, Reaper frowned as he kept his blade next to her neck. The cold dry wind filled the empty void of wordless silence. Reaper wondered if Indie was either blind or was not afraid of the blade next to her neck.

"...You," he twitched. Though he wanted to clap at her bravery of not acting on impulse. He knew that she knows that if she screams or makes a noise, it would be the end of her.

On the other hand, Indie was contemplating whether she should scream or yell. Two options might have seemed the same, but to her they were different. 'Hahaha... at this rate my neck will fly! Goddamn it, why is my mouth not moving! He's probably thinking about how he'll brutally torture me and then kill me eh? Sh*t...Let's see, if I scream- my head will fly. If I yell, I can come up with an excuse that I want to explain!' '

"...I..." Indie mumbled.

"Tch... finally feel like talking?" He sneered. His crimson red eyes dilated towards her green eyes. He stared at her lips which were slightly open as to wonder what to say. He wondered what her next words would be. Other people would be trembling in fear or screaming for justice.

"I... want to live..." she declared.

"I can see that... no need to explain. Goodbye..." his blade reached her neck, but Indie shrieked louder in fear.

"W-wait! Wa-it!" she yelled.

"Hmmm.." he watched her reaction, he frowned inwardly- not knowing why he was disappointed at her attitude. He retracted the blade slightly and pressed it against her face softly.

"Speak, if you want to protect your face," he ordered.  

'Yeah, if I totally don't come up with something- it's my face that's going to fly!*t a precious beauty wasted on a planet!' 

"...I, I...I," Indie kept muttering, finding out what to say to keep this mad-dog satisfied. 

'Damn it! I need something to distract him! I don't know anything! Oh, whatever... I'll just say anything!'

"I... I want wine!"


"I like drinking wine, eating Ice Soft Creme Cake! And my favorite bag of potato chips is Spicy Jalapeno! I hate-"

"Stop." He demanded. And inwardly frowned behind his mask. Not expecting this kind of explanation from her, he wondered if she was actually stupid, or has gone nuts after seeing the blade pressed against her face.

"...that's not what I mean. I order you to tell me about the Church."


Indie cried inside her head. 'I don't know anything! I am just a rookie with ZERO background information!'

Suddenly the pressure of the blade of the sword got heavier, and blood was drawn from Indie's face. "Do you not want to live?" Reaper coldly told her.

"I- I really don't know anything!" Indie finally confessed. "I just know that if I want to live that I need to support the Church!"

"Y-...Continue," He stopped midway of his word and told her to continue, as he lowered the blade towards her slender white neck.

"I was ordered to find a man who knows about a girl about Holy Powers!"

"..." Reaper raised his eyebrows when heard this.

"H-h- I- think her name was Fleur! Fleur something! Fleur... Primrose!" Indie called out the heroine's name of the novel who had Holy powers. 

'Great! I am deviating from the novel! Reaper wasn't supposed to know this or.. Whatever! My life matters!' 

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