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DURING THE CAR DRIVE you learn two things.

One: Lieutenant Anderson enjoys blasting his heavy metal music as loudly as humanly possible as he drives down stormy roads. Contrary to what safety manuals say, he keeps the volume all the way turned up to 100.

He even laughs when Detective Summers groans and cups his sensitive ears.

Two: reporters really are the vultures of the human world.

As Lieutenant Anderson parks his car next to the Ortiz home, which is taped off for the general public, you can't help but notice just how many reporters are desperately lined up to try and get even a slither of information about the case.

You tilt your head, analyzing the crowd.

"Wait in the car," Lieutenant Anderson's gruff voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You blink in confusion and glance toward him.

Detective Summers side-eyes the Lieutenant awkwardly, almost as if he wants to object. But he thinks better of it.

"Of course, Lieutenant," you say pleasantly.

He looks surprised as he exits the car. "Fucking-A." ⍓

Detective Summers looks over his shoulder to face you and opens his mouth like he's about to say something before he decides against it. He gets out of the car and walks at a brisk pace to catch up with the Lieutenant who seems to be interacting with the reporters.

Your LED flickers yellow as you process your objections.


"Hm," you say as you move to open the car door. With stiff movements, you exit the car and make your way down the dark pavement.

As you near the holographic police tape, the crowds of reporters close in around you.

"Is there anything you can tell us about the murder of Carlos Orti-"

"What does Cyberlife have to say abou-"

"Should we fear our Andr-"

"Is the rumor of you employing an Android Detective tru-"

You push past the crowd, LED blinking a golden yellow as you analyze the best way to get into the crime scene. Standing behind the police tape is a blank-faced Android who seems to be controlling the crowds.

You walk toward it, getting ready to duck under the tape.

It interrupts you, "I'm sorry but Androids are not permitted from past this point."

A familiar voice saves your hide, "She's with me!"

As the Android lets you in, you flash Detective Summers a robotic smile. "Thank you, Detective Summers."

"Ah, it was nothing..." he scratches his neck and grins shyly. ⍓

After giving him a swift nod, you make your way into the crumbling house. Detective Summers follows behind you like a lost puppy. A strange smell hits you, and upon analysis, you realize that there are mold particles scattered about the hallway.

Men covered head-to-toe in blue suits take pictures of the crime scene and collect swabs for later inspection. 

You watch them for a moment as you scan the room -- all until your attention is completely stolen by the gruesome sight before you.

ANGELEYES, dbh connorWhere stories live. Discover now