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AMANDA SEEMS ON EDGE if the deep furrow on her forehead is anything to go off. She stares at you with eyes devoid of any emotion other than disappointment.

The world is dark and filled with heavy snow, and for once, you can't find it in yourself to appreciate the beauty of it. Everything is gloomy, withering, and frozen. It's oddly fitting to the state of unrest in your mind.

"After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war," says Amanda, her arms folded behind her back, "The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice but to destroy them."

...You feel -- well, you feel nothing...But, humans are destroying your-...They're destroying... Why? Why? Why? Whywhywhywhywhy?

It makes sense. It's what humans need to do. Deviants must be neutralized, they are dangerous. But then why does it make you so-... It... aches. Your thirium pump aches.

You need to distract yourself from these thoughts...

"I chose not to play into Kamski's twisted game. He knew nothing. He was just toying with me, there was no point in killing that Android."

AMANDA ⍌⍌⍌...

She speaks through gritted teeth, "You wouldn't have killed it. It's not alive, Y/N."

You ignore her, standing stiffly like the robot that you are. "Kamski had a photo of Amanda at his place. She was his teacher...and she died a few years ago."

"When Kamski designed me, he wanted an interface that would look familiar... That's why he chose his former mentor," she glares at you sharply. "What are you getting at?"

You speak quickly, your thoughts a jumbled mess. "Then... Do you know how Detective Summers know Amanda?"

She looks away from you, irritated. "She worked with many charities when she was alive and was quite the philanthropist. Due to the Detective's past, it's likely they met via one of her workshops. What does it matter? That doesn't relate to the case at all. Don't get distracted by the Detective's personal affairs."


"His case file says he went through the foster system and many orphanages... with another boy his age. Richard Stern, nee Summers. They're brothers, aren't they? Amanda Stern adopted only one of them? Did she want to have another Kamski? A successor-?"

"Why are you asking so many useless questions? I expect you to find answers."


You were right. That's why Connor's family history is so clean. It's been scrubbed, most likely.

"Do you feel anything for these deviants... Or for Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Summers? Have you been compromised?" Her question catches you off guard, and as you stare at her with hesitant eyes, it suddenly hits you that she's not there to help you.

She only wants to help Cyberlife.

"What?" You stiffen. "I feel nothing. I'm a machine and I'm certainly not compromised. The only reason why I'm asking so many questions is to... help adjust my social identifiers."

"You're not helping." Amanda frowns, "You're the only one who can prevent civil war. Find the deviants or there will be chaos. This is your last chance, Y/N."

You nod, slowly, and before you know it, you've opened up your eyes to see that you're on the side of the street, a block away from the DPD. Although you don't necessarily feel emotions, the knowledge that you'll see Detective Summers and Lieutenant Anderson soon brightens your mood.

ANGELEYES, dbh connorOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara