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YOU DON'T HESITATE, YOU can't, "I am on the human's side, of course. I don't understand why you're asking." You send him a stern glance. He's toying with you instead of answering the Lieutenant's questions.

"Well," Kamski smirks, "that's what you're programmed to say. But what about you, Y/N? What do you really want?"

From the corner of your optical units, you see Hank and Connor staring at the two of you in complete and utter intrigue. It's like they want to hear your answer, too. But why does it matter what you "want"? It doesn't help the case!

"I don't want anything. I am a machine. Please, Mr. Kamski, get back to the topic. What can you tell us?"

"Hm," Kamski looks at you for a long moment before he turns to the RT600 Android. "Chloe?" She turns to him and he slowly guides her into standing in front of him. Gently, he pushes on her shoulders to guide her to the ground, where she kneels obediently.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test. A mere formality, simple question of algorithms and computing capacity. What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it "the Kamski test", it's very simple, you'll see..."


Kamski grins and strokes Chloe's shoulder, "Young and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither... But what is it really? Piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being... With a soul... It's up to you to answer that fascinating question, Y/N."

You stare at him in confusion, not quite understanding where he's taking things.

Then, all of a sudden, he reaches into a cabinet behind him and the Android and he slowly, carefully pulls out a small gun. From beside you, both of your partners stiffen.

You're not prepared for what he does next. He gently hands you the pistol, his eyes intense with intrigue. "Destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know. Or spare it, if you feel it's alive, but you'll leave here without having learnt anything from me."

Destroy it?

Connor growls, "You haven't changed a damn bit, Elijah."

"I think we're done here," adds Hank as he slowly shuffles away, "c'mon."

But you remain frozen with your arm outstretched and pointing a gun at the Chloe model's head. She stares at you, her big, wide eyes innocent and naive. It's like she doesn't realize you're about to end her short, programmed existence.

Like she doesn't realize just how in danger she is.

"What's more important to you, Y/N? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine... Or a living being endowed with free will..."

Kamski's voice taunts you. Your LED turns a bright gold as you slowly process the situation.

"Come on, let's go Y/N," Connor's voice hammers into your thoughts. He sounds uneasy and a little panicked. "We don't need answers that badly, let's just get outta here, yea?"

"Pull the trigger -" Kamski begins.

Hank interrupts him, "Y/N, don't!"

"-and I'll tell you what you wanna know."

Your outstretched arm shakes gently and your body temperature rises as your processors work to make a decision. The Chloe Android stares at you with her blank grey eyes and sweet face. She stares at you and blinks slowly, completely relaxed.

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